Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Inspire Photo Retreats

Getting My Learn On!


This week I am spending some time in Portland, Maine along with several hundred photographers as we come together to learn and be INPSIREDInspire Photo Retreats have been around for a several years, in fact I attended in 2011! But to be honest, I just haven't made a commitment to attend these last few years despite the fact that it was hosted right in my home state! This year, I just couldn't say no. Thanks to the nudging of some good friends who just said I had to go, I signed up! I'm more than excited to spend a few days investing in my business, investing in others and making new friends! I've got my notebooks and gel pens stocked and ready to go;)!

Because Inspire is an intensly focused time, I will have limited access to email and internet. I promise to answer all messages in full as soon a I return to the office on Thursday. The blog will still be in full swing however with Sarah from RunFarGirl guest blogging on Wednesday and a darling maternity session on Thursday. Be sure to tune in later this week for those! (There's a fun giveaway happening too!)

Have a beautiful week! If you're in the Northeast, I hope you enjoy your snow day (DAYS :-O). See you later this week!

Can we host in Florida next year?! Just sayin':).


Image from the 2011 Inspire Retreat courtesy of Grazier Photography.

The School Sessions

The School Sessionsblogintro.jpg
A One Day Portrait Event

At the end of 2014 I wrote a short note in my journal, "How can my business exist to bless others?" I felt a tug on my heart to be more generous with my time, finances and talents but wasn't exactly sure where to start. When fellow photographer Jamie Delaine reached out to see if I would like to be invovled in something she and her husband Randy were starting called the School Sessions, I couldn't help but jump on board. It was the perfect fit!

If you're a DZP newsletter subsciber then you were given a sneak peek into the School Sessions and what they are all about last night! The School Sessions, is an incredible one day portrait event happening across the globe on Sunday, April 12, 2015, aimed at raising $200,000 to build a school in Haiti. Jamie and Randy's hope is is for photographers all over the world is to sign up and photograph a session on this day, donating 100% of the proceeds to the School Sessions. The goal is to raise $200,000, which will be used to buy land and also build a ten classroom school for 220 students. The previous building was destroyed by the 2010 earthquake and these children (ages 3 to 16) are in need of an earthquake and hurricane-proof school to learn and grow.

I don't know about you, but the idea of a global wide initiative of photographers across the world coming together to help serve and care for others sets my heart on fire! Wondering how you can get involved? Check out these ways below! 

1. If you're a photographer, contact the School Sessions and get signed up!

2. Share this post and the School Sessions website to help spread the word and encourage participation!

3. You can donate directly to the School Sessions, visit their website to get set up!


4. On April 12, 2015 I am offering one portrait session at a special rate with 100% of the proceeds going to the School Sessions. If you're interested and would like the opportunity to have your pictures taken while contributing to a beautiful cause, contact me today!! Please email, subject : The School Sessions.

The School Sessions from The School Sessions on Vimeo.

The School Sessions.

Thank you to Jamie and Randy for leading the way!! I hope that you've been inspired to jump on board and participate! Let's use our talents and gifts to help better the world, create opportunity and build a community of giving!! If you'd like to grab your spot for the Apil 12 portrait session email me toda, there is only one spot available!

Friday Fundays, Intentional Time Together


Friday Fundays, Intentional Time Together

In the early days of Jonathan’s childhood my friend Danielle started sharing the Friday adventures she had with her toddler son on Instagram. I was a intrigued. As a stay at home Mom, Danielle followed a particular structure throughout the week and yet on Fridays she threw structure out the window. She picked activities that encouraged spontaneity, adventure and fun with her baby boy. She did this every Friday and her husband often joined in as well. Friday Fundays, I absolutely loved the idea.

It was around this same time that I had become increasingly busy at work and found great frustration in blending my life as a Mom and an entrepreneur. I desperately wanted a way to bring a little spontaneity into our lives while being intentional in creating memories and adventures together. I realized that I needed to create boundaries to ensure that I made time to do this, otherwise I would just be tempted to work and work and work. I knew that I wanted more quality time with Jonathan and that I would have to be intentional in HOW I went about creating that time. Friday Fundays were the perfect fit!

It’s over a year later and we are still going strong with our Friday Funday tradition!! On Fridays, especially if I am shooting a wedding or doing some sort of work on the weekend, I always try, no matter what, to take Friday off to be with my nugget. A simple yet well worthy boundary to maintain a little bit of balance in an otherwise crazy and busy schedule.

Sometimes we get ice cream other times we head to the park or drive around looking for fun. Maybe we watch Curious George together or head to playgroup. Fridays are our non-scheduled, dedicated time to be together. It is hands down one of my favorite days of the week. And because I’ve dedicated this day of the week to be with my son, it allows me to work harder, be more productive, and function more efficiently throughout the week.

I have to thank my friend Danielle for being a beautiful example of what it means to be intentional with your family. Because of her desire to serve her family and love her son well, I was inspired to do the same. In those early days of blending Mommyhood and business, I knew that something needed to change so I could find joy in all the chaos. Thanks to Danielle, I was able to find a better balance, one that gave me freedom to be a Mom, to have fun with my darling boy and to serve my clients well. And at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about for me!

The Art of Balance, Creating Intentional Time Together by Deborah Zoe Photography.

The Art of Balance, Creating Intentional Time Together by Deborah Zoe Photography.

The Mentor Sessions

Moving Forward Together

Registration for the The Mentor Sessions Spring 2015 can be found HERE.

A week ago I sat with Mandi to talk about the dreams and goals she had for her budding portrait photography business. Having seen the leaps and bounds she she's already accomplished I thought I knew where photography was taking her. But boy was I wrong! This girl has a grand vision for her business and I am beyond excited for the amazing things in store for her in the coming months!

By the light of the Starbucks fire place (oh so cozy!) we got down to business. We chatted everything from blogging to branding to business formation and more. There were a lot of lightbulb moments happening and I just love that! Being able to share and help another photographer grow sets my heart on fire! Watching as other photographers chase after their own dreams for their business, well it's incredibly exciting and humbling to be a part of!

As part of our time together we headed outside (into the cold chilly rain!) to practice shooting and posing skills. You would never have known that it was 30 degrees and raining, Mandi was a rockstar! I love these headshots, especially of her laughing. Mandi has a beautiful, warm heart and so that had to come through in her images, only smiles for this girl!

The Mentor Sessions with Deborah Zoe Photography.The Mentor Sessions with Deborah Zoe Photography.The Mentor Sessions with Deborah Zoe Photography.The Mentor Sessions with Deborah Zoe Photography.The Mentor Sessions with Deborah Zoe Photography.The Mentor Sessions with Deborah Zoe Photography.The Mentor Sessions with Deborah Zoe Photography.

It has been on my heart for quite some time to begin meeting with other photographers and like minded business owners to encourage and equip them to take their dreams and businesses to the next level. With that, the Mentor Sessions were born!!

Each session is up to 3 hours of intensely focused time catered to your unique business and goals for the future. At the end our time together, we'll head outside for a mini headshot session for images to use on your website, blog and more! Following our time together you'll also recieve an action plan to help take your dreams and make them a reality! If you're outside of the New England area and would like to get participate, Mentor Sessions are also available via Skype! 

If you've been wanting to take your business to the next level OR are looking for guidance on where to even begin, this is for you! I am offering 4 unique sessions this spring, email me at or click HERE for all the details! I can't wait to connect with you!

Staying Healthy while Balancing Business and Motherhood


Staying Healthy while Balancing Business & Mommyhood

In 2015 I committed to living a more active lifestyle. As the owner, sole employee and lead photographer of a wedding photography studio, I find myself sitting in front of a computer, A LOT. And when I'm not wearing my business hat I spend the other half of my time being Mom. All this to say my days are VERY full and leave little time for anything else. I'm guessing there are just a few MANY of you out there who feel the same way.

What I noticed towards the end of 2014 was that I wasn't moving as much as I wanted to feel healthy. Yes, I was running around after my toddler. But I didn't feel challenged physically, especially since the other half of my day was spent sitting in an uncomfortable desk chair. My neck and back were hurting and I was starting to sleep less regularly at night. Add to that my up and down diet of healthy veggies one day but then a slice of pizza the next, I knew I needed a change and that changed had to start right away. 

So how does a busy Mom and business owner find the time to move, exercise and stay invigorated physically? Below I'm sharing several ways that I commited to moving more and staying healthy in the new year.

1. Scheduled Breaks

I work best in small chunks and so my first goal towards a more healthy and balance lifestyle was to schedule breaks throughout the day when I would step away from the computer, take a stretch, head down stairs, pet the dog, etc. These breaks were aimed at getting me to stand up and move away from the computer. I can no longer go for hours upon hours of sitting in front of the computer. And though sometimes I literally have to pull myself away, I know that these scheduled breaks are essential to my well being. I schedule them (about every hour or so) and put them into my daily timeline so that I am held accountable to it.

2. Workout At Home

Before Jonathan was born I belonged to a gym near our home. But after baby there was little time left to workout. I had to figure out how to make working out a priority with this new routine. No longer did I have the "luxury" of driving 20 minutes to the gym, taking an hour class, driving 20 minutes home, taking the shower and then starting the day. Working out had to happen in small bursts of time. We started by purchashing a used treadmill from a friend so I could train for my 1/2 marathon, which worked out perfectly and allowed me to train indoors during the brutally cold winter months. I'm also an exercise DVD junkie so we hooked up a DVD and TV in our basement and created an area where I could work out comfortably at home. This was a game changer for me. Suddenly I had the time to workout with minimal commute and disruption to my day. I could easily fit in a 30 minute workout before the day started without sacrafising any time with Jonathan or in my business. Jillian Michaels & Shaun T have been our DVDs of choice and are fantastic, challenging workouts in 3o minutes or less, perfect for the busy mom and photographer.

3. Steals and Deals & the Local Gym

Now that it's January the shooting season has slowed (only just a little!) which has allowed me small bit of flexibilty in my schedule. Read : small. But regardless, this little extra wiggle room in my schedule is just enough to allow for time to workout on a regular basis. Jonathan is also older now, sleeps regurarly and takes an afternoon nap. All this means I have found time again in my schedule to leave the house and work out. Thanks to an awesome Groupon deal I found, I was able to attend classes as our local gym, literally a minute down the road from our house. A perfect fit for my schedule and desire to exercise and move regularly. The only reason why this works for us is that a groupon made it an affordable option and that it does little to distrupt my schedule thorughout the day. If you're motivated by a gym class and like the companionship of working out with others I would highly suggest finding a local gym to join. And if you're restricted by budget, check out Groupon! During this time of year many gyms and local clubs are offering steep discounts to get you into their gym, take advantage and get moving!

4. Food Journal

I've never been good at nutrition and have struggled in this area my entire life. From an eating disorder as a teenager and young adult to yoyo dieting throughout, it's been a bumpy road. This year I felt compelled to take control in this area and at the promptly of a nutritionist I began journaling what I consumed each day. It's not a diet but simply a way to document what I'm taking into my body and the nutrients I'm receiving. Wait, coffee doesn't count as a nutrious breakfast? Ha, just kidding...sort of. You know how it goes, you sit down to your computer coffee in hand and come up for air hours later only to realize that it's 2pm and you haven't eaten yet today. You run to the kitchen to find something quick to eat (usually the first thing you see) only to head back to the computer to work. A vicious cyle that leads to an unhealthy lifestyle. By journaling what you eat (or don't eat) you can gain a better sense of where your diet is lacking and how you can properly fuel your body throughout the day. Which in turn will give you more energy and stamina and desire to move more!



(Above, the local gym.)

So what does this have to do with balance? To be our best (whether as a Mom or business owner) we must make time for our own health and well being. This can seem like an incredibly daunting task, especially when we haven't made time for this in the past. Start small. Maybe it's simply commiting to taking a walk every day or eating a more nutritious breakfast. Perhaps it means joinging a gym or running with a friend. Or maybe it just means taking time each day to pray and meditate.

To be completely honest, it's incredibly hard. I struggle with feeling self indulgent when I make time for things like working out. But the truth is to be our best, we have to make time for our health and well being. I know it can seem overwhelming. Start small, those small changes can lead to big results! And you don't have to join a gym or track your meals like I do. Find what works for you, something that you can make a habit and work into your daily routine. Your clients will thank you, your loved ones will thank you and most importantly your body will thank you for taking the time to invest in your health!

4 Ways to Market Your Business with Pinterest

4 Ways To Market Your Business with Pinterest by Deborah Zoe Photography.
4 Ways To Market Your Business with Pinterest by Deborah Zoe Photography.

Oh Pinterest, where do I begin? You cause me to stay up at late, pinning all the foods. I spend hours searching through thousands of images, looking for the inspiration that will spark my creative juices. And I'm not alone. Millions of users are searching Pinterest every day for their own snippet of inspiration, including Brides. Pinterest is a huge marketing area for photographers, especially those who photograph weddings. There is a huge opportunity here to share your work, connect with Brides to Be and to serve your very own clients!

There are lots of ways that you can use Pinterest with your business, as for me I like to keep things simple. There are 4 distinct ways that I use Pinterest for my business which I'm sharing here today. Use Pinterest in the way that best suits your business and your clients, but bottomline...start utilizing this social media outlet! Pinterest is growing and doesn't have any signs of slowing down!

1. Share Your Portfolio 

One simle way to use Pinterest to market your business is to share your images in a Portfolio style pinboard. Have a favorite image? Share it here. Collect images from your blog or website that link directly back to your sites and push traffic towards you. As new images are posted update your Pinboard. Starting out from scratch may seem like a daunting task but once you've laid the groundwork, updating this board will easy and a simple part of your workflow.

2. Inspiration Boards x2

In addition to a Portfolio style pinboard you can use your own images to create an inspiratoin board for clients and Brides searching Pinterest. Inspiration boards curated with your own images allows you to showcase your own photography while providing desired inspiration for the Bride to be. Additionally it gives your audience something to follow and garner excitement for your next pin to be shared. 

You can also create inspiration boards for your own clients to evoke style and inspiration for your booked shoots. I've implemented this technique this past year for portrait and engagement sessions. It gives both myself and my clients a place to gather inspiration and to curate a vision and style for each shoot. This has been a game changer for my sessions by communicating visually the type of images I desire to create wtih my clients. Do you have a unique vision in mind for your next engagement, portrait or styled session? Use Pinterest to visually communicate your creative perspective to clients, models, vendors and any one else involved!

3. Submit to Blogs

Blogs love to share their content on Pinterest and so do their readers. One sure fire way to get content sharing on Pinterest is to have your work featured on a publication. Style Me Pretty, Heart Love Always & Elizabeth Anne Designs are just three publications that do a great job of sharing and promoting curated content on Pinterest. Sharing content with blogs not only ensures your work is seen on the blog post but throughout Pinterest, which means many eyes are seeing your name and your beautiful images!

4. Description & Keywords

To ensure that your content is found in searches be sure to use detailed descriptions and apporpriate keywords with your images. Photograph a wedding on the coast of Maine in the fall? Describe that scene. Use your description to thoughtful caption your image with the scene and theme of your image as well as any vendors or venues who are invovled. Brides are using Pinterest for their much of their wedding planning needs and are constantly searching specific descriptive words related to their visionf for their day. Use descriptions and keywords in the caption of your Pinterest images to make it easy for potential Brides to find your images quickly and easily!


I use Pinterest for my own personal use too. It's a super fun way for me to connect personally with friends, loved ones and clients alike. I love seeing what others are pinning and finding new and inspiring content through their feeds. The great thing about Pinterest is that it's a tool for connection!

As with any marketing that you do, make sure that there is a purpose behind it all. For me my desire is to celebrate marriage and family through timeless fine art photography while providing my clients an incredible experience. With that in mind, I can direct my marketing efforts in a purposeful and authentic way, this includes the use of Pinterest. 

I hope that today's post has been encouraging and given you a fresh perspective on how you can better use Pinterest to market your business. Do you have a question on marketing with Pinterest OR an awesome  technique that you use with Pinterest?  Feel free to share in the comments! Happy Tuesday!

What's Ahead For The Blog

The Blog In 2015

In keeping with this week's theme of reflection and goal setting, I wanted to share what is in store for the blog in 2015. In communicating the things I want to share here on the blog, it will not only help me stay accountable but also give you an idea of the kind of content you can expect to see on a weekly and monthly basis! My hope is that you'll be encouraged to stop by frequently, with lots of fresh content and posts to enjoy!

Series. There have been a myriad of series that have graced the "pages" of this blog over the years. In the New Year I will continue sharing the series, the Art of Balance, twice a month on Wednesdays. This series is dedicated for advice and encouragement geared towards finding more balance in this crazy world of business ownership. I will also be introducing a new series called Tips with DZP, twice a month on Tuesdays with content geared towards photography and business related advice and info. In addition I will be bringing back Wedding Love, once a month on Monday, with info dedicated to the Bride-t0-Be as she plans her wedding day! There's lots of fresh content coming your way and I couldn't be more excited!

Frequency. I will be continuing to post three times a week.

Contributors. I would LOVE to bring on contributors for the blog in 2015. Are you interested in guest blogging? Do you have something special to share? Do you have a unique perspective? My desire for the blog is to be a conversation, a place where people can be inspired, see beautiful imagery and learn something new. If you'd like to be a part of that, I'd love to hear from you!

Here are a few ways to get involved :

* If you're a past DZP Bride or blog reader and would like to contribute to a Marriage Monday post with advice or encouragement, let's connect! I'd also love to interview different married couples a few times a year, currently I'm looking for couples who would like to be invovled. 

*If you're a small business owner and/or photographer and would like to contribute to the Tips with DZP series, I'd love to hear from you! Fresh perspectives are always welcome and encouraged... we all have something to share AND something to learn!

*If you're a wedding industry peer and would like to contribute to the Wedding Love series with advice for the Bride to Be, I'd love to collaborate with you!

*Just have something to share but not sure where it fits? Let's chat together about how you can contribute to the blog! Any questions regarding contributing to the DZP blog, please email me at :, subject line : DZP Blog Contributor

You. I want to hear from YOU. What would you like to read on the blog? What are the things you want to learn about or be inspired by? Feedback is so helpful as I continue to plan out the schedule for the year here on the blog. I want the content to be directly relateable to you, so help me do that by taking a moment to comment below with your thoughts!

Thanks for stopping by this morning to catch up an all that's in store for the blog! I'm so excited for the 2015 blogging year and I hope you are too!


What's Ahead for the Blog In 2015 with Deborah Zoe Photography.

Image by Justin & Mary

15 Goals in 2015

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Self Portraits-Me Shooting-0141.jpg

Yesterday I took time to think about and reflect upon the past year. What a year it was! But if I'm being completely honest, I think there was a little part of me that was ready to say goodbye to the year that was and jump heard first into the year that is. 

I know I probably sound like some sort of cliche, but I very much wanted to take the things that I learned in 2014 and begin applying them in 2015. I wanted to start stretching myself and my business in new ways. The new year seemed like the perfect start for that. 

My friend Anna loves goal setting, especially at the start of the New Year. She's always an encouragement to me on looking ahead, moving forward and never settling. This year Anna has organized a small group to hold each other accountable for our dreams and goals in 2015. And to get a proper start, I figured I should pull together some actual goals for the year! 

Which brings me to today. I am sharing 15 of my personal, business and creative goals in 2015. I'm a firm believer that you are more likely to accomplish, achieve and grow when your goals, visions and dreams are shared into the world. Keeping it to yourself does nothing, but sharing with others is empowering. And encouraging. And also terrifying.

Do you have any goals or dreams for this New Year? What are you looking forward too, how do you want to grow, learn and thrive?  I hope post inspires you to make a list of your own. Share that goal list with a trusted friend and hold each other accountable. Make things happen in 2015!  You can do it, now let's get started!

15 Goals in 2015

1.  Create a more tangile experience.

There will be lots more on this in the coming months, I promise! At the end of 2014 I sat down at my local Starbucks for the afternoon and dove head on into my business. What worked, what didn't. One of the bigs things I walked away with from that time was a desire to create a more tangible experience for my clients. I want my client's images to come alive on the page of an album or in a matted print. I want clients to know what it feels like to see their favorite images hanging on their wall or the joy of sharing a wedding album with a future daughter or son. There's so much to be said here, but for now this is the direction I see myself walking more and more towards. 

2. Learn Kelvin.

This is for all you camera nerds out there. Clients who are reading this are probably like "what the what?" But one of my goals this year is to try to learn Kelvin and incorporate that into my shooting workflow. Do I really want to learn Kelvin, well no, not really. I hate the technical side of photography and the idea of learning a new technique is very overwhelming. Ironic, I know. But if it will make me a better photographer with a more consistent editing workflow, that's reason enough for me.

3. Revamp the website. 

There used to be a thought, is it still a thought? That the less information you put on your website the better. I never really took to that idea and could never understand why that was a good idea in the first place. I've always strived to provide clients with the pertanent information that they need and strive to continue to do so in the new year. My hope is to revamp the website to provide even more information in a new and organized way. No big changes, but hopefully small and meaningful ones.

4. A Space.

As many of you have followed along this past year, you know that I have a home office as well as a shared meeting space in Boston. Both spaces have worked really well for me this past year. However, looking ahead (several years) I want to have a space that is entirely my own, seperate from personal life and dedicated to DZP & meeting clients. What that looks like exactly, well I'm not sure. Do we convert our diningroom into a meeting space? Do I find a space outside of the home? Do I share that space with other vendors? I'd love to answer these questions this year with an action plan on how to move forward toward the end of the year. Will you help me stay accountable to that?

5. Incorporate film.

When I first began my journey in photography everything was film. I learned photography in a darkroom, a real darkroom, with chemicals and enlargers and developer. But as a news photographer right out of college, where the entire staff used digital cameras, working with film was obsolete. And I took that mentality with me into my business. I shoot 100% digital currently, but my hope is to incorporate more and more film into my photography. I love the look and feel of film, the emotions it stirs up, the fine detail. Will I be offering it as part of DZP services, not just yet. Right now this is more of a personal journey but after much trial and error, we'll see where it goes!

6. Portraits.

I elluded to this yesterday, but I'm incredibly excited to incorporate more portrait work in 2015. I loved my portrait clients from this past year and the amazing sessions we had together. I realised that I love this part of my business and while weddings are and will continue to be the meat and potatoes of DZP, I wanted portraits to have a place of their own too. My dream is to create beautiful and artistic portraiture for my clients in ways that stretch me as a photographer.

7. Social Media I

First and foremost I hope to make less of social media in 2015 in my personal life. I hop on Facebook when I'm bored. I mindlessly scroll through Instagram. It's a total waste of time and I really need to get that under control. I let the lives other people soak too deeply into my own reflection of life. Beautiful instagram photos does not a perfect life make, Debbie. Less social media, more appreciating life right in front of me. 

8. Social Media II

The flip of that is that, I would like to be better at sharing on social media. I want to create thoughtful and curated content that encourages conversation. Content that encourages others, that leaves people better. Content that doesn't discourage or brag or portray a perfected life. How do you do that? How do you balance that line? 2015 is for figuring that out.

9. Print feature. 

The end of 2014 brought great news that I had my first full length print feature in Southern New England Weddings magazine! This was a huge accomplishment for my business and I'm still on cloud nine. My hope in 2015 is to have another print feature, maybe more than just one! Truly the aim of this goal is not to just accrue feature after feature but rather to stretch and push myself and chase after dreams that are and scary. Here's to that!

10. Host A Workshop.

This past fall I hosted a workshop for DZP shooters and assistants. In short it was amazing. The give and take we all received by being a part of the day was incredible. To be able to encourage other business owners and photographers, to inspire and equip them is something I hope I can do more of in the future this year. This isn't a "Hey everyone come and see what I know," type deal. I truly want a workshop that lifts people up and that equips them to do the same. 

11. Travel abroad.

Dave and I have the travel bug, badly. With our many friends that live all across the world the heart strings are calling. I'm not sure where travel will take us this year but I would absolutely love to see us traveling abroad, experiencing new cultures and seeing new places. That's where my hearts at, we'll see where God takes us!

12. Decorate our home.

I realize that this might sound like a silly goal. But I love decorating, organizing and simplifying. Call it a hobby I guess. The heart of this goal is to organize and simply our life, starting at home. I also want to create a space that is entirely ours, a place where Dave and Jonathan feel at rest, a haven of sorts. I want our home to be place that inspires us as a family together!

13. Speak on Business and Family.

My heart was set afire this past year with regards to family and business. I really want to see others thriving in their family and business life. I want to encourage and equip others to build businesses that reflect their core values, where they can exceptionally serve their clients while loving their families. My heart is for other woman but of course this idea applies to anyone who desires to find more balance in their life and business!

14. Stop Comparing. 

This is a hard one to put out there. But I compare myself to others...all.the.time. I'm not a good enough wife, mom, business owner, photographer, you name it, I'll complare myself to it. It's just not healthy and has to stop. We each have our own unique set of skills and personalities that contribute beautifully to this world and that includes me. Help me stay accountable to this one, will you?

15. Rest. 

I'm 100% guilty of feeling guilty anytime I "stop" or take a moment for myself or my family. I always feel this tug and pull to keep doing, to keep going, to keep pushing. In 2015 I want to keep growing yes, but I also want to take time out of life to soak it all in. To rest the soul and quiet the mind. Seems to be a theme throughout my goals, of simpliying and staying small. I hope that I can allow myself moments of quiet throughout the year to experience the joy of my family, the peace of God and the healthfulness of resting the body. This might be the hardest goal I have set for the year... 

What are you looking forward to in 2015? What are you goals and dreams for the year? I'd love for you to share...let's keep each other accountable to the things we are working towards! Happy New Year everyone!

14 Highlights in 2014

Self Portraits-By Justin Mary-00311.jpg
A Look Back at 2014

While I absolutely hate the frigid temperatures that come along with this time of year, I do love the feeling of a clean slate, a fresh start. I love taking the time to think about all the wonderful things that happened the year before and the dreams I have for the year to come. As a person who is constantly jumping from one thing to the next, I desperately need this time at the beginning of the year to soak in and appreciate all that has happened, how much I've grown and how our family has been blessed. When life is moving at rapid pace, sometimes you need to slow down and be thankful.  
That is where I find myself at the start of this new year. 2014 was a good year, a year where I found myself getting back into the groove of things. Life with a baby sure does flip your world upside down (in the best of ways) and by the end of 2013 I was just trying to catch my breath. As we moved into 2014 things felt more settled. And while the year certainly had it's fair share of surprises and ups and downs, in general it was a calm and relaxing year for us. After 2013 which found me pregnant, giving birth, recovering from a c-section, raising a toddler, selling a home, buying a home, moving and running a business, our family was ready for a calm year! 
Before I jump into 2015 I wanted to reflect on this past 2014, thankful for the amazing and wonderful things that happened in our life. What better way to do that than with 14 highlights of 2014! 
One : Training For and Completing my first Half Marathon.  
This trip and race had been a dream of mine for a long time. To actually cross that finish line and complete this MASSIVE goal was a HUGE personal victory for me. Added bonus : it was on my 30th birthday! It boosted my confidence not only as a runner but as a person. To work towards and accomplish a lofty goal of running 13.1 miles was a defining moment for me in 2014. One of my favorite memories of the year!


Two : Traveling to Chicago, Florida and Texas with the family. 
In the first three months of the year we traveled cross country with the babe. These were some special moments for us a family this year, I'll never forget Jonathan's first plane ride or how we meticulously planned every step before we boarded that plane (Fear of screaming baby on plane anyone?) We rallied as a team and I'm incredibly proud of how Dave and I worked together. It might seem like a small thing, but this year especially, it's been in the small moments that we've experienced the most joy. 

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Three : The DZP Home Office Makeover. 
I had no idea how popular the home office makeover would be OR the amazing feedback I had from Instagram and blog readers on paint choices, furniture placement, desk orders and more! Thanks to your feedback and help I was able to come up with a home office that feels like home. A place where I can breath, be inspired and do my best work. I love here! The amazing Style Me Pretty feature was the icing on the cake!!

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Four : Jonathan's First Birthday. 
My baby turned ONE this year!! Waaahhh. We celebrated with a family picnic on a beautiful spring day. To see so much love poured out to Jonathan made my heart swell. This kid sure is loved and I'm ever so grateful for that! Plus you can't beat that adorable bow tie or the fact that he got frosting up his nose!!


Five : Portrait Sessions. 
I photographed many more portraits sessions than ever I anticipated this past year. And I loved it!! So much so that I am toying with the idea of adding portraits as a permanent part of my brand. All this to say, I've loved the families (near and far) that I've had the joy of documenting this year. It's felt like a perfect fit...more on this soon! 

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Six : Celebrating out 8th wedding anniversary. 
We celebrated 8 years of marriage this summer...that's almost a decade!! We've grown a lot, together, and I'm incredibly proud of all that we have accomplished. While we have SO much to look forward to and a lot of growing left to do, we took time out to thank God for all he's done in us and through us as a couple. I'm thankful for 8 years of marriage and I can't wait to see what another 8 years brings us!


Seven : My shared office space. 
I had been looking for an office space for a long time, a place where I could meet with clients in a space that was quiet and "my own." In an unexpected turn, the fabulous ladies at Paper Moss approached me about sharing their office space in downtown Boston. Isn't it funny how God presents us with opportunities at just right moment? It's been wonderful sharing a space with Paper Moss team and it's been fantastic having a space all "my own" to meet with clients!

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Eight : Traveling to Virginia.  
Another unexpected turn this year was having the opportunity to travel to Virginia (with the family!) to attend a mentor session with friend and fellow photographer Katelyn James. We made a road trip out of it and had a blast together as a family. The business got an added boost from all of Katelyn's wisdom and I'm so grateful to have had the chance to reconnect with this dear friend and mentor!

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Nine : Speaking at the Boston PUG. 
A highlight (and knee shakingly nervous moment) for me this year was having the opportunity to speak at the Boston PUG. I shared my heart for work/life balance as well as tip and tricks on growing a business while nurturing a family and marriage. It's something I'm incredibly passionate about so to be able to share that with others, well it was a defining moment for me!

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Ten : Deepening Relationships. 
This year seemed to be focused on deepening relationships. From industry peers to old friends to new friendships, I found relationships being strengthened and deepened all along the way. This is one of the things I am most grateful for this year and I pray that 2015 only finds these relationships enriched and strengthened.

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Eleven : Hosting the first DZP Workshop.  
It's been a dream of mine to help educate and encourage others through my business and this November we hosted a private workshop at our home for 5 photographers! Wow, what a dream come true! Many vendors came together to help this idea become a reality and it was in short, an incredible experience. I'm so very thankful for the ladies represented here and their eagerness to learn and grow with me!

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Twelve :My First Print Feature. 
Eeekk, I couldn't wait to share this one! Technically it's not my first print publication but it is my first full length feature!! Mark and Marlo's wedding is currently being featured in Southern New England Weddings magazine and I'm like a proud mama bear. They put so much thought and detail into their day and I'm delighted to see it getting the attention it deserves! Once I get my hands on a copy I'll be sure to share it here!

Thirteen : Further developing my style. 
It felt like this year was a stretching one for me as a photographer. I felt back in the groove after the birth of our son and I used 2014 as a year for learning. Becoming a Mom changed everything for me and that meant some core aspects of my business and photography changed too. I care about different things, see the world differently. New perspective have influenced who I am as a photographer and business owner. I'm starting to see that take shape in the images I create and boy does that excite me!

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Fourteen : Sharing more of my heart of family & business. 
My desire in 2015 is to share more of my heart of family and business here on the blog and throughout all aspects of DZP. My aim is to encourage and equip those who have or are looking to start a family but are overwhelmed with how to "balance" it all. Or perhaps you don't have a family but simply want to have better boundaries between your business and your life. Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed of doing something creative, of owning a business AND having a family. And while I don't have it all figured out (that's for sure!) I am learning along the way and carving a path towards the things, people, dreams and experiences that make my heart set fire. I hope you'll join me! 

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Merry Christmas!

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DZP Office Closed for the Holidays

Merry Christmas!! I can't believe that Christmas is just a few short days away... I've got almost all of the presents wrapped...just two to go!! As a family we look forward to this time all year round. There are so many fun things to do and Dave and I absolutely love spending this time with the people we love. Being parents of a growing toddler at Christmas time is truly special. Bringing Jonathan to see the tacky Christmas lights and seeing his jaw drop to the floor was great. Or when he waved "bwhye" to the living Nativity as they marched through Rockport, was heart warming. Or how about when he helped bake cookies only to stick his hand in the flour and declare "YUM"! Gosh. This season has been filled with adorable moments like these and it makes my heart feel like it just might burst.  
As a family we've made it a priority to spend time together at the end of the year to decompress, relax and truly ENJOY the holidays!. The DZP office will be closed for the Holidays (except for Mikio and Sarah's epic NYE wedding!) and reopening on January 5th!  
I hope that you too can enjoy a moment of rest and peace this Holiday season, reflecting on the year past and hoping for the year to come! Thank you to everyone who made this year magical, truly. It was a joy to work with each and everyone one of you. Whether in front of my camera, behind the scenes, joining the conversation on the blog, following along on social media, or through your friendship, my heart pours out gratitude for all the support you share. Thank you thank you thank you. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from the DZP family to you!! 
(*I couldn't help but share our family's Christmas mini session with our fave photographer Coco!! As a photographer I'm always encouraging friends, family and clients to get in front of the camera, to have life documented. The big and small moments of life. It's so, so, important. We've cherished the images and memories we've made in front of the camera with Coco!! Now's the time!! Happy Holidays everyone!!)coco boardman family portraits _0001.JPGcoco boardman family portraits _0002.JPGcoco boardman family portraits _0003.JPGcoco boardman family portraits _0004.JPGcoco boardman family portraits _0005.JPGcoco boardman family portraits _0006.JPGcoco boardman family portraits _0007.JPGcoco boardman family portraits _0008.JPGcoco boardman family portraits _0009.JPGcoco boardman family portraits _0010.JPGcoco boardman family portraits _0011.JPGcoco boardman family portraits _0012.JPGAnd we're done...;):)coco boardman family portraits _0013.JPGMerry Christmas from the DZP family!!

A Day In The Life of a Work From Home Mom

the day in the life of a work at home mom deborah zoe photography.jpg

A Day In The Life of a Work From Home Mom

Working from home with a baby has been full of ups and downs this past year and a half. I've shared extensively about my experience learning how I have adjusted to running a business with a baby here on the blog. But nothing could quite prepare me for what it was going to be like balancing a business and a toddler. Not that it's been incredibly challenging, rather it's just nothing that I have ever experienced before. Toddlers bring a whole new level of "fun chaos" to the home and it's made me have to reevaluate how I run my every day life, take care of a home and nurture a growing boy.  

As more and more of us are entering the stage of parenthood and as many of you reading this are small business owners and/or photographers, I write this Art of Balance series to help encourage, equip and inspire you to live a purposeful life with thriving businesses that serve your families in every facet. I certainly don't have it all figured out, that's why I like the give and take sharing on the internet provides. Really, does any one else feel the way I do?! You all have nuggets of wisdom to share and I hope you will!! You never know how you might be able to encourage someone today!! 

Ok, back to today's post. I've felt that there might be a misconception about what it looks like to be a Work From Home Mom. Do I sit around and eat bon bons all day? Do I work, work, work and never have time for loved ones? What does working from home really look like with a family? And if you're in the stage of becoming a parent (and you work from home) you might be a little intimidated about what this transition will look like for you. I wanted to share and honest look what a typical day is for me, in hopes that you can be inspired to create a schedule and routine that blesses your family, fills your cup and allows you to follow your passions. 

Of course everyone comes from different places and has different preferences. My hope is that you don't follow this to a T or even do it the way I do! Rather I just want to encourage you that a. you're not alone and b. while it may be difficult at times, there is a balance that can be found between serving your family, serving your clients, and making room for what matters most in life!! Keep in mind that the timeline shared below is a best case scenario. Does EVERY day of our life look like this? Heck no. Perhaps Jonathan has a cold, or decides to wake up early. Maybe he sleeps in late and we have a few extra minutes to ourselves (I like to read the Bible or answer emails if that happens!) Maybe he wakes up in the middle of the night and we need the extra minutes in the morning to sleep. Maybe it's the weekend and we're out having fun or maybe we have doctor appointments or errands to run. Or maybe I have an engagement or portrait session or I am away for the day shooting a wedding. For us routine is what helps us stay focused and ensures that we can have time for the people we love. But more importantly, being flexible when the unexpected happens is really what makes this all come together. 

Alright here we go!!  


6:00am -- Our alarm goes off. It's brutal. It's time to work out before the baby (aka toddler monster;)) wakes up.  

6:30am-7:00am -- Jonathan is usually up. Dave takes a shower while I cook eggs for Jonathan's breakfast, make a lunch for day care and let the dog out. 

6:45am -- If I have time I run upstairs to take a shower before Dave heads to work. Sometimes this doesn't happen. One these days I work from the office;). 

7:00am -- We say goodbye to Daddy and have some play time before day care.  

8:00am -- We head to daycare and I spend way too long saying goodbye to Jonathan. I require at least three hugs before I leave;) 

8:15pm -- Make a BIG cup of coffee, grab a banana, catch a few minutes of the Today Show and head upstairs to the office. 


8:30-9:30am -- I try to answer emails, get caught up on DZP news and tie up other loose ends that might have happened over night. 

9:30-11:00am -- I'll use this chunk of time to edit, blog or work on big projects.  

11:00-12:00pm -- I'll use this time for meetings, emails, or prep for shoots.  

12:00pm -- Lunch time! Sometimes I make it down, sometimes I don't 

12:30pm -- I tie up any loose ends that I've been working on before I head off to pick Jonathan up from day care.  


1:00pm -- I will pick Jonathan up from daycare. I'll spend some time talking with the kids, catch up on what Jonathan has been up too and wait until Jonathan has waved goodbye to everyone;) Usually at this time he's pretty tired from running around with his friends (they keep him VERY busy!) But if he's feeling rather chipper we might run some errands together or play outside.  

1:30pm -- Jonathan is usually tuckered out by this time so we head up to his room for cuddles and milk.  


2:00pm -- With the baby asleep I start work again and pick up wherever I left off. Usually this means I'm doing some more editing or working on big projects.  


3:30-4:00pm -- This is the time that Jonathan will typically wake up. When Jonathan is up, he's UP. Running around is his favorite and this means that there really isn't any time for work, even if I wanted to!! I'm happy to spend this time playing with him:)!! 

5:00-5:30pm -- Dave is usually arriving home, so we spend some time welcoming Daddy home! 

5:00-5:30pm -- If Dave gets home at 5, (he's wonderful) and let's me watch my favorite show, PIONEER WOMAN!!, while he plays with J or makes him dinner. It's so relaxing to me and usually inspires what we'll cook for dinner that week!! 


5:30pm-6:30pm -- If I have any loose ends that need to be tied up related to work, I'll use this time to head back up to the office and focus. This isn't a typical occurrence but there are some weeks, especially during the busy part of the year, that I need this time to get ahead and get things accomplished. Sometimes this can roll onto the later hours of the evening, but I find that the more tired I become the less productive I am at work. 


6:30-7:00pm -- Bath time!! This is also part of our calm down routine, which oddly enough usually involves wrestling with Jonathan:)! 

7:00pm -- Daddy puts Jonathan to bed reading a book and saying prayers before Jonathan conks out for the night.  

7:00-8:00pm -- This is the time that we are eating dinner, though we try to get it in as early as possible. This is also the time that we most likely collapse onto the couch together. Big Bang Theory and Chronicle are faves.  

8:00pm -- I start to get things ready for the next day like Jonathan's day care bag, tidy up the house and get ready for bed. If I'm lucky I'll sneak in an episode of the Voice:).  

9:00pm -- BED TIME. Yes, that's right. Usually involves reading in bed together until around 9:30pm. Then it's lights out, zonked out!! 

6:00am -- Rolls around all too soon.  

I hope that this gives you a peek into what a "normal" day in the life of our household looks like! As you can see it's not a normal 9-5 nor is it strictly business or strictly family. There is a certain mix to it all. **Added bonus : click here to read a great article that I found last week about the changing "timeline" to a parent's work day. Certainly a thought provoking read on how the modern day work day is becoming less and less rigid and more and more focused around family life!! 

A Day In The Life of a Work From Home Mom by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A Day In The Life of a Work From Home Mom by Deborah Zoe Photography.

If you have any thoughts or questions about how we make this work for our family, share in the comments below!! And if you have any tips on how to make 24 hours spread a little more I'd LOVE to hear;). It can be really inspiring to learn how other WFHM's are doing it too!! (Yeah I just made that acronym up;)) I hope you have a great Wednesday everyone!!

Should I Be Generous In Business?

Should we be generous in business with Deborah Zoe Photography.
Should we be generous in business with Deborah Zoe Photography.

Should we be generous in business? I believe the answer is always, YES. During our workshop this past weekend there was a lot of talk with regards to generosity and business. It got me thinking. How can I continually be more generous with my time and my business? How can I influence those around me through encouragement, support and LOVING people with my photography and business? I've noticed that being generous, unfortunately, is NOT the norm. And I understand why. We are faced daily with competition, the fear of being taken advantage of, and a whole host of negativity. It's hard to be generous when your visceral gut reaction is to hold tight and keep all that negativity out. 

But one of the greatest lessons that I have learned as a business owner (and continue to learn) is that generosity HAS to be at the heart of it all. And the more that I continue to give, the more I am filled and the more my business grows. Generosity has been a key component to the growth of not only my business, but my character as a business owner. Giving helps me to grow, helps me to serve and helps to encourage the community I am a part of. Just like that Liberty Mutual commercial, it spreads around and catches on.  

In such a tough and cut throat environment, how can we be learn to stretch our generosity muscle? How can we take that first step? I believe it's truly in the little things where we can show the most generosity. It's the little things that mean the most. They don't take a lot of time but have a big impact. I've shared a few simple ways that you can begin to be generous in your own business, starting today. My top five are below.  

1. Comment.

If you're a photographer then you most likely follow the work of a lot of other photographers. If you see something that you like, comment. Share with that person WHY you like it. Comment on their work, tell them that it has had an impact on you. Creatives are deeply connected to what they create and their love bucket is filled when others take a few moments to acknowledge it. Now this isn't a cop for more comments here, I simply want to encourage you to get out there and COMMUNICATE with the people that you follow. Be generous with your words and you will immediately see people open up and thrive!! 

2. Share your time.

For me time is one of my most valuable resources and as business owners we all seem to be in short supply. So generosity for me is felt most deeply when sharing my time. For you that could be in the form of taking a vendor out for coffee, sharing your knowledge with an up and coming photographer, donating your time to a organization. The list goes on. The point is that sharing your time with the world is a hard, BUT it's a beautiful way to show others that you care. People are deeply connected to time, and for many, feel most loved when others share their time with them. Is there someone that you could share your time with today that would be greatly impacted by this act of generosity? 

3. Share your talent.

As artists our talent is our gift. Not only is it a gift to us, a way for us to express ourselves to the world, it is a gift that we can SHARE with the world. And I truly believe that we have an obligation to do so. Perhaps this means sharing your images with vendors or using your talent to photograph a special project. Whatever that looks like to you, use your talent to lift others up. Even better, sharing your talents in collaboration with others. There is nothing quite like building community over the gifts that we have to share! 

4. Share your finances.

Like time, finances are difficult place to be generous. I think we could all use some help in learning to be more generous in this area. But just like acts of kindness that cause a ripple effect, being generous with our pocket books can often have a ripple effect that causes others to be generous as well. No you don't have to go and give away a million dollars just to be generous, that's not the point. Start small if you need. Little acts of financial generosity here and there will not only help those around you, but will strengthen your giving muscle, strengthen your character and teach you things you never knew before. (This is for a different post entirely, but having a strong business budget will allow you to a firm foundation in which to give from and to be generous with you finances when the unexpected happens.) 

5. Be kind.

Generosity can be in the form of the words that flow from our mouth, or in this digital age, the words that flow from our fingers. We MUST learn to be kind and smear that kindness everywhere we go. It should be like a generous serving of your favorite Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Do you want to share that tasty goodness and give it away? Heck, no. Will the person you share it be changed, encouraged and left with happy taste buds? YES. Perhaps its a poor analogy but you get the point. Kindness rules. And if you ever think that being kind, forgiving, graceful or overly generous in your business will bring you down, try it. And then you can tell me different.  

*Love is the Killer App is a great read on how to be unashamedly generous in your own business and life. Highly recommend!! 

Bonus : Be generous with HUGS. 

One of the favorite things my toddler son likes to do is give hugs. Even if he has never met you before, chances are he'll give you a hug. And let me tell you, that simple act of embrace will brighten up your day ten fold. There is something incredibly powerful in the human touch and a simple act of a hug could literally change the world for someone else. Hugs let you know that you are cared for, accepted and loved. I think the world needs a lot more hugs!! 

I don't write this post as someone who has this all figured out. I certainly stumble and fall in areas of generosity and I am STILL learning. It can be incredibly hard to give and that is why I felt a pull to write this post. We can all learn to be a little more generous and it can start today. In small, baby steps, we can begin to stretch and strengthen our giving muscles. Whether that's with a simple note, a hug or a kind word. We can all do this. So should you be generous in business? I believe so. Can you be smart about your giving, absolutely. But at the heart of it all, I hope that we give, just to give. To make the world a more joy filled place. 

A (Snowy) Photography Workshop

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Hosting Our First Workshop

One thing that I have been amazed by running my own business, is watching as ideas come to life. Sunday was one of those days. For the longest time I've had a "secret" desire to host a photography workshop at our home. Full of doubt, I left the idea on the back burner, assuming that it just would never happen. But every now and then the desire out ways the doubt, and this time I found myself pushing forward. 

Sunday was the fruition of a dream and LOTS of hard work by the people who latched onto that dream! I invited several photographers to our home (woman who have been an integral part to the growth of DZP), to learn together and have the opportunity to photograph a real Bride and Groom in a real and not so stellar environment. An opportunity to stretch our photography muscles. Little did I know that would include SNOW!! 

I reached out to my friends and favorite event planners, Whim Events, to see if they would be interested in collaborating together. They took my little idea and turned it into something magical, transforming our home into a oasis of greenery. It was incredible to see the pieces come together in a way that I never expected. And even though it SNOWED (I still can't believe it!), we created something beautiful! 

Before we share all the pretty I wanted to share a few behind the scene images of all the fun we had together! For the photographers, we had an opportunity to learn from the many wonderful vendors who were a part of the day as well as gain experience in working with not so perfect scenarios. And while I was leading the workshop, I learned so much myself!! From the vendors to the attendees, they all had amazing things to share. 

Before we get to the fun below I couldn't forget to thank my Hubby. I refer to this as OUR workshop. While he might not have been teaching, he was the glue that held the day together. He was the engine that made the day run smoothly, who helped vendors and hosted over 20 people in our home for the day. He took care of the food, wiped the porch of snow, helped people park, set up florals in our basement and more. He made it possible for me to host a workshop and for that I couldn't be more grateful. Truly, he helps make this business what it is. And of course we also have to thank my parents who took care of Jonathan for the day. Almost everyone showed up asking where Jonathan was and he made a quick and whiny appearance at the end of the day:)!  

Of course we forgot to take a group photo, but I think this photos do the whole fun day justice!! I can't wait to host another workshop soon, keep a look out in your inbox for related news!! If you want to be kept up to date, be sure to join the DZP Newsletter for the latest!! 

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

Alright onto the snowy fun!! I had to include this image, who would have believed that it would SNOW the day we hosted a workshop the first weekend in November!!Maya was very interested in learning how to photograph stationary, haha:).I have no idea what I was saying but apparently bouquets are funny! Check out that beautiful ribbon from Silk & Willow!We had the best team of vendors on board including Amanda of Amanda McCarthy Beauty

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

A photography workshop hosted by Deborah Zoe Photography.

.Lena of Hair that Moves started the day with Debs, going for a vintage flair.As part of the workshop, I wanted each vendor to have the opportunity to talk with the photographers about the kinds of images that they look for when working with photographers. It was such an informative time and a great learning experience!!Thanks to the workshop, I learned how to tie a bow tie!!Floral headquarters in our basement hehe:) Look at those greens!!I cannot express how grateful I am for the Whim Events team, they created magic on Sunday.Peterson Party Center provided the most perfect rentals that match the vision we had for the day!Dave decided it was warmer to stay inside and shoot through the window;) Guys it was COLD.Debs rocking it out despite the frigid temperatures... poor girl was such a trooper!! Wait till you see the GORGEOUS gowns she wore, courtesy of Flair Boston!!Alex too, guys have I told you it was COLD?Gah, I can't get over the beauty!!The closest we got to a group photo!!Sunday was exciting. It was a joy to be able to pour back into the ladies who have shared so much with me. It was fun to share the knowledge that I've learned over the years and reminded me why I love what I do so much! Add in the excitement of all the vendors who were involved and I felt like I was on a high all day!! I cannot, cannot, cannot, wait to share the images we created -- soon!! 

The amazing team who made the Workshop happen!!  

Styling & Florals : Whim Events

Rentals : Peterson Party Center

Gowns : Flair Boston

Ribbon : Silk & Willow

Hair : Hair that Moves

Makeup : Amanda McCarthy Beauty

Stationary : Robinson Press

Bowtie :  

My Favorite Tools for Staying Productive


My Favorite Tools for Staying Productive

As a business owner productivity is the name of the game. And when you're a one woman show, any tool that helps save time and increases productivity is A plus in my book! Over the years (even within the last few months!) I've discovered various tools that have allowed me to stay productive, on task and efficient within my business. I am a total geek for this type of stuff, I love anything and everything that encourages efficiency, organization and productivity. Because at the end of the day that means I get to make my clients very happy while spending lots of time with my baby boy! So you'll have to excuse as I nerd out for a minute and get all to excited about card readers, mile apps and software! 

While these tools are not specific to just photographers, they are VERY useful to those of us who find ourselves dealing with hundreds upon thousands of images every day. Each one of these tools has dramatically effected my workflow (for the better) and allowed me to maximize my time and resources (I explain how each tool does that specifically below). I hope this post provides some useful information for you and perhaps helps you discover a new tool to add to your workflow wheel house. If you have any questions about how I use each item in my workflow, feel free to ask in the comment section below! For now onto productivity!! 

1. Lexar Professional Workflow



I've been using a system of Lexar card readers since the inception of my business. I have no idea why I chose Lexar other than the fact that I saw other professionals using this brand too. Over the years their systems of card readers has changed, most recently with the Lexar Professional Workflow. Now, instead of having a myriad of card readers strewn across my desk, they are neatly tucked inside a housing unit, making my desk tidy and my workstation efficient and safe. No longer am I dealing with different cords taking up valuable real estate in the form of my computer's USB slots. Four readers only require one USB plug, how great is that?! And now with two systems, I can come home from a wedding and download all my images within the course of an hour. This is something that used to take me upwards of 2-3 hours to complete, having to download cards one or two at a time. You can imagine my excitement, knowing that I can now get to be earlier on a wedding night thanks to this system!! As someone who downloads all the images following a wedding (yes, that same NIGHT), the Lexar Professional Workflow system is a HUGE time saver and makes me, well, oh so happy!2. Photo Mechanic



I first discovered Photo Mechanic when I worked as a news photographer a lifetime ago. As news photographers we would be shooting hundreds of images everyday, typically against tight deadlines. We needed a quick and efficient way to view our images, select the best and edit them in a timely manner. There were many things that I took away from my experience as a news photographer and Photo Mechanic was one of them. I knew that this was going to be the best tool for me to quickly view and select my images. Photo Mechanic makes that process of selecting images amazingly fast. When culling images from a wedding there are typically thousands of images to go through (yes thousands). Without Photo Mechanic this job could easily take me hours upon hours to complete. With the speed and functionality of Photo Mechanic I can select the best and cull for my client within an hour. If you're a photographer and you have yet to take advantage of all that Photo Mechanic can do, make it your end of the year goal to become a Photo Mechanic fan. It will revolutionize your workflow and save you HOURS in your editing!3. Mile IQ

The Magic Mile App, or at least that is what I think it should be called:) Mile IQ is an app that I discovered earlier this year that tracks all of your mileage, any time you get into your car, right on your phone!. How it works? I have no idea, but what I do know is that it is amazing. No longer do I need to mess with the odometer, make guesses as to how far I drove or spend tedious amounts of time trying to track distances. Mile IQ does this all, without me even having to open the app! If you're a small business owner and you need to keep track of your mileage, this app is a HUGE help and comes highly recommended from me! I'm horrible at keeping track of mileage and would often forget, which means when it came time for figuring out my taxes, I was missing out! I love this magic mille app, a game changer for my business this year. 





Another exciting discovery this year was the recommendation of CrashPlanPro. Fellow photographer and data guru Joe Ciarcia hosted a PUG meeting several month ago, all about data management. He suggested using CrashPlanPro as part of our backup and data management systems. Before Crash Plan, I had three steps in my backup plan, but still wasn't 100% satisfied with my workflow. Enter CrashPlan. CrashPlan is a desktop app that you simply download onto your computer and then you let it do the rest. Without evening having to open the program, it automatically and continually backs up your computer while it is turned on. I love that! What peace of mind this program gives! I know that if anything where ever to happen to my computer or it's data, all of that information is safely backed up in the Cloud via CrashPlan. It's not my only system for backing up, but it's a huge piece of that puzzle. Case in point, earlier this year I thought I had deleted a precious image of Jonathan from when he was a newborn. As a Mom this image was incredibly special to me and I was devestated. But I remembered that I had installed CrashPlan and maybe by chance it had saved it. Wouldn't you know, a quick search through my backups and there the image was!! I was elated!! This system is easy to use, affordable, and a necessity to anyone who needs to keep track and backup date! Love this program!5. ShootQ

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Ah yes, ShootQ, many of you probably know about ShootQ by now, especially if your a photographer. It's a hugely popular management program that helps small business owners track, organize and manage their client data. And while it's not a new program per say I did feel that it needed to be included in this list of tools that help keep me productive. I don't know what I would do without ShootQ. It keeps track of my clients, their information, my workflows, contracts, questionnaires and more. I use it almost daily, as way to keep me up to date on client workflows. When dealing with multiple clients over the course of a year, being able to keep all the info organized and on task is crucial. All of this important information is accessible with the click of a button and helps me stay organized. While some complain that it is not intuitive (it does take a while to set up), having tried other management programs, I have found ShootQ to be the most powerful, most professional and best organized. For me it works, it saves me time and it keeps me on task. As a small business owner I couldn't ask for much more!I'd like to point out that none of these programs or apps have paid me or encouraged me to share any of this. Simply put, these are programs that I use and LOVE and feel compelled to share with YOU in hopes that you'll find them helpful with your own productivity. As a photographer I know that I am constantly on the look out for new tools to add to my workflow, so if you have a program, system or app that you just can't live without, please share! And if you have found this info to be helpful, please share with others! Let's spread the love (and the productivity!!) Enjoy!!

Increase Your Content Reach on Facebook

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A Facebook Business Page Tip

I completely meant to share this post LAST Thursday until I was hit with an epic case of the flu. In fact I'm still recovering... a lesson in learning how to slow down I guess!! So while I'm in bed resting off the chills, I wanted to share with you the post that has been sitting in my que since last week!!  
I'm doing something a little different, sharing a video tip on how to better use Facebook. If you're ever wondering why there are things on your news feed that you're just not seeing, well it's because Facebook has made it increasingly more difficult to receive and share content. Not surprising since the amount of content being shared on Facebook is astronomical. So then, how do you get the content you want to share, seen by the people you want to see it? Today I'm sharing a quick tip on how to increase your scope as a business owner and how as a reader, you can ensure you see the content you want. Watch the video below to learn more! 

Facebook Business Page Advice from Deborah Parker on Vimeo.

And for those of you who would like a more in depth article on this exact thing, my friend and fellow photographer, Katelyn, wrote a great post on this several months back which explains in depth how to go about sharing this idea with your readership base. I hope this information has helped! If you're a DZP on Facebook, be sure to "get notifications" under the Liked button on the Deborah Zoe Photography page to stay up to date on all that is happening!! Happy Thursday friends, here's to a flu free winter I guess!!Increase Your Content Reach on Facebook by Deborah Zoe Photography

Working Through Mommy Guilt

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Working Through Mommy Guilt

I'm taking a step out with a very personal post today. I'm chatting about Mommy Guilt. If you're a Mom then you know exactly what I am talking about. If you're not, well then let me explain. As a Mom (whether you are a business woman, stay at home, work from home, have a side business, work for the "man", travel a lot etc etc) then you can often feel the pang of what I refer to as Mommy guilt. A guilt brought on by the idea that you are simply not good enough. You're not doing the best you can at being a Mom. And as ridiculous as it sounds, Mommy guilt can be paralyzing, debilitating, depressing and just all around awful.  

We want the best for our kids, all parents do. When we can't live up to the very high expectations that we (and Pinterest) set for ourselves then, well we are most often prone to Mommy Guilt. For me that comes in the form of sitting in my office. I become acutely aware of the fact that someone else is taking care of my child while I answer emails, edit pictures and do my every day office work. And though I know I'm called to and passionate about the work that I'm doing, there's a sneaky and manipulative voice that creeps through and whispers, "You are not good enough."  

This kind of topic, not specifically related to Mommy guilt but connected, came up while I was giving my Art of Balance talk at the Boston PUG a few weeks ago, in the question of how do you do it all? The simple answer is, I don't. I have a lot of help. I can't do it all and if I tried I would fail. I would be plagued with epic bouts of Mommy guilt, and I don't know if I would even be able to come up for air. The only way that I can balance being a Mommy to my favorite little man while running a business that I love is through hard decisions and a whole lot of help.  

I only take on a select amount of weddings a year, I only work with people who I love and who respect what I do. I'm selective in the hours that I work a day and the kind of boundaries I establish between my business and my personal life. It's the only way I know how to be a Mom and a business owner. It's the only way I know how to serve my family and my clients well.  

But despite all that I do to manage life, well, life happens. Things don't always go to plan and that pang of Mommy guilt can creep back in. I don't write this to garner any pity. More of a hope that there are other Mom's out there who feel the same way. (I know there are!) My hope is that I can encourage you with this. You are enough. Your are taking the best care of your child. Your child is loved. Establish your boundaries, your routines, your daily life, so that it reflects what matters most to you. And if you ever feel that pang of Mommy Guilt creeping in, know that there is an army of Mommies who stand behind you and support you.  

Well at least THIS Mommy does. We're in this together. Down with the Mommy Guilt! Here's to building businesses that truly reflect what matters most and to all the Moms (and Dads) out there doing the hardest and BEST job of all.  

The Art of Balance -- Working Through Mommy Guilt by Deborah Zoe Photography

The Art of Balance -- Working Through Mommy Guilt by Deborah Zoe Photography

Speaking at the Boston PUG

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Speaking at the Boston PUG

If you've been hanging out on the blog for the last month or so you probably saw my announcement at the end of August about a speaking opportunity I was presented with earlier this year. Well, hard to believe but that day has come and gone! Last Tuesday I had the pleasure of speaking to our Boston PUG (a monthly group aimed at helping to equip and teach photographers) about a topic I'm incredibly passionate about : work/life balance.  

To say I was nervous...well let's just say I was;). My stomach dropped even more when after I arrived the projector didn't want to cooperate. But thanks to our amazing Pastor for saving the day (the meeting was hosted at our church!), everything worked out! Phew! From there everything went smoothly! 

As a Mom the idea of work /life balance has taken on new meaning for me over this past year and half. My desire is to share my experience with others so that they can be encouraged and equipped to make big changes in their businesses and lives. Balancing the responsibilities of a small business owner with the needs of our every day life can a challenge. I want to serve my clients well while focusing on the things that are deeply meaningful to me and my family. I don't always get it right but I'm here working on it every day. I've had to learn to seek the balance between the two and I've found great joy in the journey! 

If you're a Boston area photographer, be sure to check out the PUG (there's a meeting every month!) It's an amazing way to meet new people, to learn new skills, expand your reach and find a community. The PUG has been an invaluable resource for me over these past years as I've grown my business. I've built friendships and learned from some of the best in the industry. AND if you're prone to be a shy person like me here's a little kick in the butt from me to you to step out of your comfort zone. You won't regret it! 

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Tuesday night was a first step for me. I hope that I can continue to share my heart, continue to encourage others and continue to equip business owners to chase after what really matters most! Cheers to the future!And thanks to Krista for the Instagram!

How A Baby Changed The Way I View Weddings


How A Baby Changed The Way I View Weddings

Before having a baby I was a wedding photographer and had been for several years. I had been to my fair share of weddings as a guests and as a professional providing services to the Bride and Groom. I had seen a lot when it came to weddings. And as a someone who had been married for several years (at that point) my connection to that place in life was feeling more and more distant.  

Then one day I had a baby. And all of that changed. Now, as I move throughout a wedding day I am overcome, not by the big and obvious moments, but the little, quiet, in between moments. I imagine what it will be like to dance with my son on his wedding day. I watch as Moms are led out onto the dance floor by their grown sons and I know exactly what they are feeling. I am completely connected to the symbolism behind that moment because as a Mom, I get it. I'm honored to be there to capture those moments no for photography's sake, but because I'm creating something tangible that represents something so dear.  

Being a parent has changed the way that I view weddings, it's changed the way that I document the day. I see much more clearly the deep family relationships that are present on a wedding day. I connect with those moments that seem so little but are really so big. I can imagine no greater joy in this world than standing by your child as they marry the one that they love. And I KNOW, the joy that it is to marry your best friend, to dream about what the future holds for you together. My hope is that I honor those connections in each image I capture. Being a parent affects everything that I do. That title has radically changed my world, for the better. I'm entirely grateful for the lessons Jonathan teaches me every day and how in turn, that allows me to be a better Mom, Wife, Friend and of course, photographer. 













And you don't have to be a parent to understand the gravity of a wedding day. As photographers, as we move about life, mature, change, we'll connect in different ways to a wedding day. The key is understanding what we connect too and how that directly impacts the way that we document the day. What do you connect with on a wedding day? Why do you love photographing weddings? If you can answer this question you'll not only create beautiful images, but in your work, your clients, your photography, you'll begin to experience joy, beauty and love in everything that you do. Sounds cliche, but believe me, it's true..

Speaking at the Boston PUG

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The art of balance. I've been learning a lot about what it means to have a healthy work life balance this past year as I've made the transition from business owner to now business owner and Mom. Sometimes I get it right and sometimes I have to take a step back. It's not always easy but it is always WORTH the effort. I count myself incredibly blessed to have a career that lets me chase after my passion of photography while having a business that serves my clients AND my family well. So it comes as no surprise that I'm passionate about encouraging and equipping others to chase after their dreams while living healthy and joy filled lives! And I'm incredibly excited to write that I'll be sharing my heart and passion of work life balance with the Boston PUG on September 16!!  

For me, building this business isn't just about a business, it's so much more!! But how do you get beyond every day tasks to building a life that fills your cup? (Systems, organization and a heaping amount of grace!) During our time together I'll be sharing about the way that I've managed my business and how that has allowed me to build a family and serve them well (READ: love, cherish, support and be there for them in a tangible way). My hope is that you'll leave our time together equipped and inspired to make changes in your daily business life, changes that will give you the freedom to build a business that serves your life! 

And the best part? It's free! You don't even have to be a photographer to attend! The PUG is open to all, with food and refreshments to be served before hand. It's a great opportunity to mix and mingle with fellow industry peers while getting in some free education! In fact, the PUG is where I met some of my first photographer friends when I entered the wedding photography world several years ago. Thinking back to my very first PUG, I was shy, scared and completely unsure. Now, five years later, here I am presenting on something I am incredibly passionate about! Crazy! 

If your work life balance is something you're struggling with I'd love to see there!! My hope is that you'll leave our time refreshed and ready to systemize your business!! You can RSVP here!! 

If you have any questions about what a healthy work life balance looks like OR want to know how to systemize a certain area of your business leave a comment below!! There are lots of things I'm going to chat about but I'd love to hear from you, what do YOU want to know about the art of balance?! 

Phew. I can't believe I just put that out there. September 16th, be there!! 

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Coaching Session with Katelyn James

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Waaayy back in spring, maybe?!, my inbox sent out it's familiar, ding you have a new message. I opened the inbox to find a newsletter from friend and fellow photographer Katelyn James. Now this isn't anything new, she sends one out about every month, but this time my heart jumped a little. This time there was an opportunity to sign up for a coaching session, one that I could attend. My mouse hovered over the button waiting to click. I practically jumped when it went through.  

Katelyn is an industry leader, across the board, she's revered and loved by MANY people in this crazy wedding world. She's also an incredibly smart and savvy business woman who is passionate about helping others grow their businesses and succeed as wedding photographers. In an industry that can seem at times to pull people down, stir up drama and fueled by exclusivity and harshness, Katelyn is a breath of fresh air, leading the charge to change the way industry works. It's something I can whole heartedly get behind, it's part of the reason why I want to learn from her! 

I've known Katelyn since 2010? I had discovered her blog and when I made my first trip to WPPI we bumped into each other. We've stayed in touch ever since, she even flew up to Boston a few years ago to photograph our own anniversary session! She's been a mentor of mine and a friend for the past four or so years and I've been extremely grateful for how she's poured into my business since! 

Fast forward to this spring when my Katelyn's newsletter entered my inbox. I don't know why, but I knew that now was the time to sign up for a coaching session. I had not attended an industry workshop in years and as someone who loves to learn I couldn't pass up the opportunity to do just that from one of the best! Plus Katelyn is someone I know and trust which made the opportunity even more appealing. It was a win win combination. I clicked submit and suddenly found myself heading down to Virginia in August.  

If you've been following along on the blog you know that we decided to make this trip a week long family vacation. I'm so thankful the hubby and babe could join! Jonathan made fast friends with Katelyn's hubby Michael and I so loved getting to spend time with them. It truly makes my heart happy to count these two not only as industry peers but friends too!! 

So what did we talk about?! Well, everything!! I laid it all out on the table, where I am and where I want to go in my business. Katelyn walked me through some of these areas and inspired me to go for it! I'm so grateful for her enthusiasm because we all know what it can be like to sit behind a computer every day. And how hard it can be to find the courage to chase after your dreams. It's a wonderful feeling knowing that you have someone in your corner rooting you on!  

Hopefully in the coming months and year I'll be sharing a bit more of what's on my heart, my hope being that you'll be inspired, encouraged and equipped!! AND if you're considering a Coaching Session with Katelyn, just do it. It will revolutionize your business and give you the boost you so desperately need. Every session will look a little different, as each person has their own sets of goals and dreams, but for a general "what to expect" : know that you'll be well taken care of, welcomed and celebrated. You'll most likely get to meet Bokeh (their adorable dog) and spend several hours being poured into. As a business owner, we don't get many opportunities like this and it's one you're going to want to grab a hold of! 

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Part of the Coaching experience is having the chance to be photographed by Katelyn. Great for me as I have been in desperate need of a new headshot! (My last was when I was six months pregnant!!) Here are a few of my faves!!I couldn't be more grateful for our time in Virginia, I'm beyond excited for what the future holds! Thank you Katelyn for welcoming us into your home, for being so gracious with Jonathan and for pouring into my business!! What an amazing thing you are giving to other photographers!!