Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

How To Get Work Done When The Baby Won't Nap

Work Schedules for the Mom Photographer.jpg

This week Jonathan has been without child care. Actually for almost the entire month of August we've been without child care. First my best friend was visiting, then we were traveling and now this last week in August daycare is closed as she is on vacation. Having gone from no child care, to day care at 9 months, and now back to a month of being at home, I have to say it's been a strange transition. I've actually really enjoyed my time with Jonathan (did I mention he's the world's BEST kid!) and I think I know I will miss him when daycare begins again in September.  

But with Jonathan being home it means that my usual workday schedule has gone out the window. Once again I have found myself relegated to working when if he naps. When Jonathan was a baby bay he REFUSED to nap. Didn't he know I had work to get done?! It was incredibly hard on this OCD Mom who was used to rules, schedules and control. Before I had Jonathan I would map out my day down to the HOUR. I knew exactly what was coming next and this allowed me to get projects done. But with a new baby I found this just didn't work anymore. I spent many days crying, frustrated that I couldn't figure this thing out. How was I ever going to get anything done? 

Now, that's all changed as we have help. And come September my schedule will change again from relying on naps to relying on the help of daycare and babysitters. But as a new mom or mom with out daycare how do you get things done when your baby/baby/toddler/annoying dog just won't nap?! 

There are three things that I think I needed to work through in order to survive, get work done and still enjoy every moment with my baby: 

1. I had to rethink the work day. 

2. I had to work in between. 

3. I had to have grace.

Work Schedules for the Mom Photographer.jpg

Work Schedules for the Mom Photographer.jpg

Ok so what do I mean by all of that? First I had to rethink the work day. Like I mentioned before I was used to having complete control over how my work day (and personal life) looked! Having a baby (especially one who didn't like to nap) meant that I had to rethink what my work day looked like. For me that meant working at night after the hubby came home. Was it ideal? No. But I knew that for our family it was necessary to continue to grow my business while raising a child. I would wake up early and work after Jonathan went to bed. I made sure that every moment of those working hours were productive and time well spent. My work day probably looks a lot different than other working professionals (I have to schedule Skype calls during nap times or shoots during daycare hours) but as a Mom this is what works for our family, and as a business owner THIS is how I get work done!! 

Which brings me to working in the in between. During those months of parenthood when Jonathan just wouldn't nap, it didn't mean that my work stopped. It meant I had to get creative in order to find time to get things done. Throughout the day, if I could sneak it in, I would work in the in between. If Jonathan had a moment of down time (few and far between for this busy boy!) I'd answer an email, I'd pre-blog a post, I'd work on an edit, or begin whatever task was on my plate. I made use of whatever time I was given to slowly chip away at my to-do list. And while I might not have accomplished tasks as fast as I'd like, slowly but surely I'd start to see items checked off this list. Jonathan eating his lunch meant I could answer an email. Play time out on the deck (supervised of course!) meant I could start that blog post. Some quiet play time in the crib meant I could upload that submission. You get the idea!! 

Finally GRACE with a capitol G -R-A-C-E. As someone who likes to check off their to do list like a badge of honor, not being able to accomplish a magnitude of tasks throughout a day was a hard pill for me to swallow. But I quickly came to realize that it just couldn't work like that, for me anyways. I had to have grace. Grace that it was OK to only accomplish a few tasks on my to do list a day. That in of itself was an accomplishment!! I also had to learn how to have grace for my son. It was incredibly difficult to walk through those moments when he didn't want to nap, even though those were the moments I needed him to nap the most. A lot of prayer happened in these moments of frustration and doubt and I'm happy to say that we made it through:)  

I'm home alone with Jonathan today. He decided to nap but didn't want to nap for as long as I needed him to. So that means I'm putting the to do list away, I'm closing the computer and I'm hanging out with him. I'll work a little when the hubby gets home and after Jonathan goes to bed. I'll rethink the day, work in the in between and have grace for all that will (or will not) be accomplished today.  

It's a balancing act for sure but I'm finding that the longer I'm a Mom the more I love this. It's never a smooth and predictable road but I sure do love being a Mom and a photographer. I love learning the balance between the two and I love teaching my son that caring for a family while pursuing a passion are two incredibly important things. Modeling that for him will be my life's goal.

The Bookworm Club : Tribes


Remember the Bookworm Club?! Gosh it's been SO long since I read a book, let alone reviewed one, that I barely remember what it is like to share a good read with others. If you've been around the blog (hey old blog!) for a while now then you'll remember my return to reading. If you're new here let me share a little back story. Several years ago my soul sista and bestie Tricia, helped to rekindle my love affair with reading through her endless amounts of book recommendations. From riveting novels to fun beach-y reads, Tricia shared with me her love of books and I soon started to fall back in love with reading. It was also around this time that I was just starting my business, so I was immersed in all new business related reading material. All in all I was reading more than I ever had before and loved every single second of it!! 

Fast forward a few years, one business and one baby later and it's a rare treat if I can find the time to read a sentence let alone an entire BOOK. But this past weekend I was afford such a luxury when my husband and I escaped to New Hampshire for a few days with family. My book of choice for this trip, Tribes by Seth Godin, recommended to me by several business owners and entrepreneurs.  

I've read several of Seth's books before, you can read one of my reviews here. While GOOD they never quite struck a nerve with me, never quite grabbed me and changed me. I had always found his books to be filled with interesting anecdotes but never enough meat or practical advice that I felt could help advance my perspective of my business and the world. These days, with my limited precious time, a book has to capture me within a page or two to ensure that I'll stick with it long enough to finish. And though I was hesitant it would, Tribes did that and a whole lot more.  

You guys, I finished this book in a weekend. I couldn't put it down, from start to finish I was transfixed. Godin's approach was magnetic, engaging and completely relevant. His call to action, his presentation, his persuasion had me fired up and ready for change. I hung on ever page of the book, eager to finish one so as to get to the next. I was actually sad when I finished and proclaimed to Dave that I think I should start at the beginning and re-read it just for the pleasure of enjoying it again, I loved it that much.  

Maybe it's because I was a Girl Scout and the idea of leadership, preparation and betterment of the world has been engrained into my being. Or perhaps it's because I was reading Godin's words at the right time. Or maybe I was just in a good mood. Whatever the case, something inside of me deeply connected with Godin's message of leadership and community and the call to make things happen today, not tomorrow. Is that a message you need to hear too? Well then, I would highly recommend this book.  

All in all I thought this was a great read, perfectly applicable to those in business! If you're looking to add to your business book collection, this should be at the top of your list. AND in keeping with Bookworm Club tradition, I'll be giving a away a copy of the book to one commenter below. To enter, just leave a comment with your favorite business (or beach) read! (Please use your correct email so I can contact you if you win!) The giveaway starts today and ends on July 10, 2014 at 11pm. The winner will be announced on the Facebook page July 12th. Good luck and Happy Reading!!  


In an effort to continue to read more I'm challenging myself to devour another book in time for next month... here goes!! Any good recommendations? Leave 'em below!!

The Importance of Backing Up Your Images

backing up and safe guarding your images deborah zoe photography.jpg
Protect Your Memories

Last night I attended the monthly meet up of a Boston area photographer group, the PUG. This month Joe Ciarcia, a New England wedding photographer and backup expert took us through the steps of backing up data and how to ensure that our important files, like images, are protected. As a wedding photographer this area of my workflow is of great importance, I want to make sure that my clients precious memories are protected and safe, so I spend a lot of time making sure that everything is in it's place and backed up.  
It's also incredibly important to me as MOM and documenter of memories for my family to know that my images are safe. But how many of us can say that we are as meticulous with our own personal files as we are with those for our clients?! I know I certainly fall short when it comes to protecting my own personal images. I've eluded to it before but never went in depth about the "epic iPhone battle" of this past fall where, after my iPhone failed to turn on, the hard drive was taken to away be repaired and subsequently "lost". That phone had on it images from my son's first few months of life, of only which two months had been backed up and stored safely. As you can imagine I was DEVASTATED. My images were gone. I should have been backing things up but I took for granted their safety and became relaxed in how regimented I was in doing so. Because I didn't have a system in place for my own images, they were lost and I spent lot of time last fall crying over images I'll never see again. 
Image back up is SO SO SO important and yet so many of us "forget" to do it. In our age of digital EVERYTHING it can hard to remember that drives fail, images are lost and files are corrupted. Backing up our images is the best way to ensure that even if the "worst" did happen, we'd be secure knowing that we can get those images (MEMORIES) restored.  
So how do you go about doing that? Here are a few of the ways that I backup my PERSONAL images.  
1. PRINT -- My favorite and number one recommendation for backing up images is to GET THEM PRINTED. Please, please, please get those precious images off of your computer and into an album or a frame or a canvas. Get them printed into tangible memories that you can hold and enjoy. Printing your images ensures that if your files were ever lost or damaged you'd have a REAL, PHYSICAL copy of that image either in an album or a frame somewhere in your home. Plus prints never change format. So while firewire, USB, jpgs, DVDS, they all change your prints remain the same. 
2. CLOUD -- Another great way to protect those images that you hold dear is to backup them up somewhere online. There are MANY companies that do things like this such as BackBlaze, Crashplan, Carbonite. I partly use PASS as my cloud storage as I know the images are there and safe for years to come. I also use this system to deliver images to my clients and it does double duty as a secondary backup solution! 
3. HARD DRIVE -- But it doesn't just stop there. You never know what could happen to the internet or the cloud. I know that it sounds silly, but having more than one backup system helps to ensure that should one of those systems ever fail you have another outlet in which to restore your important documents. Having a physical hard drive that is a duplicate copy of all the things you want to back up is a great option.  
This is different system than I use for my client backup workflow, which is a whole another blog post! This post is to encourage all of us, whether your a Bride and Groom, another photographer or a regular reader, to back up our personal files. Develop your own system of ensuring the safety of those images. I've learned first hand what it feels like to loose the memories you cherish. I never realized what those silly little iPhone images meant to me until they were gone. Images are worth something very dear, they deserve to be taken care of and protected!!backing up and safe guarding your images deborah zoe photography.jpgIf you are a past or current client and would like to create a TANGIBLE memento with your images, it's never too late to get started!! If you have any questions about how to order prints or would like to create an album please don't hesitate to reach out at

2014 Equipment Sale

As a professional photographer it's easy to amass a large amount of gear over the years and it can be hard to part with them sometimes. But DZP is growing and it's time to let some pieces go. To make room for new additions and upgrades I'm selling some loved (but in good condition) gear to any photographer out there who might be looking to add to their inventory! 

Below I've listed the gear available for sale (within the USA) as well as condition and asking price. All prices are flexible so if you're interested, please don't hesitate to make an offer!! Prices do not include shipping which will be calculated at time of sale.  

Alrighty, here we go!! Here's to a new home!! Let's get the digital yard begin!! 

(2) 5d Mark II bodies

Asking $1450 for individual bodies. 

Both in great condition. 



(all original packaging, booklets and cords. Includes charger and battery for each body).Lumedyne HV Tinycycler Battery Pack for Canon Pro Flash Units

Great for those pesky Canon flashes that like to suck your battery life. 

In great condition. It's a work horse, I just no longer use it. 



Asking $275 for the pack. (3) Canon 580 Ex II flashes

In great condition with minor cosmetic wear. I'd continue to use these if I had not upgraded to the 600s. 



Asking $350 for each.Pocket Wizard PLUS II Transceivers

In great condition, includes two wizard caddies.  



Asking $75 for each.(1) Canon 50d body

In great condition, hardly used. Includes all original packaging cords and two batteries with chargers.  



Asking $400 for the body.Think Tank Cable Management.

Great for all those loose cords that clutter up the office or equipment bag. Never used, in great condition. 



Asking $20 for the bag.Canon Battery Grip for the 5d Mark II body.  

In great working condition. Minor cosmetic wear on bottom.  



Asking for $100 if sold alone. Will include for free if sold with a 5d Mark II body. Canon OC-E3 Off Camera Shoe Cord 3

Used just a handful of times. All original packaging. 



Asking $45 for the cord. iPad Camera Connection Kit

Never used.  

Asking $15 for the kit.  



(3) Camera straps.  

Adjustable straps with awesome padded comfort. Great for long days of shooting. Rarely used, in great condition. 



Asking $15 for each strap or $40 for all three. (2) Kodak AA battery charger.  

Asking $5 for each or $8 for both.  



In good condition, work great!Canon G10 camera body.  

In great condition. Comes with two batteries and a charger.  



Asking $300 for the set. Two firewire CF card readers.  

Asking $15 for both.  



Any questions? Email them to me at All items are on a first come basis, so act quick! 

I accept Paypal and checks and all items are available for local pickup or shipping within the United States.  

Have a great Tuesday!

The Working Photographer Mom


As Jonathan's first birthday approaches I've spent a lot of time reflecting on this past year and all the lessons I've learned about what it means to be a mom and small business owner. Every since I was a little girl I've dreamed about being a mom AND being a photographer and I often pinch myself just to be reminded that those little girl dreams are now being lived out. It is a joy to be Jonathan's mom and it is a joy to be a wedding photographer. I am VERY blessed (and I don't use that phrase lightly) to live this life.  

But this year has not been free of challenges and like many new moms can attest, it's been a year of learning balance and grace. I have found through those lessons that not only am I passionate about what I do, I'm passionate about seeing others life out their dreams too. I believe that we can be parents AND small business owners and that having a business can indeed fuel the health of our family and our family can fuel the passion in our business.  

Today I want to share just a few of the many lessons that I've learned this past year, lessons that have helped me to navigate through parenthood and business. (I've written about my experience before which you can read here.) Seasoned Moms will certainly be able to add to this list and I'd encourage you to share your experience in the comments! But for those of you just starting on this journey to parenthood I hope what I share will encourage you to know that parenthood AND your business can coincide together. You dreams don't end with the title of parent, they expand, morph and grow as you do! 


Before I write any further I think it is important to remember that we must be gracious with ourselves. Any mom will tell you that parenting can be hard at times and you're never going to have it ALL figure out. In those moments, remember to be gracious with yourself and know that you're learning the lessons that will propel you forward. It made be hard but that doesn't mean it isn't worth it. 


Remember that phrase, "It takes a village"? It most certainly is true. I have found that part of my success over this first year of parenthood is connecting with other Moms who run their own businesses. It has done wonders for my mama heart to talk with other women who face similar struggles and to be given an outlet to talk through challenges and ideas. Often I will walk away from these conversations with a new perspective and outlook that not only encourages me in that moment but propels me in the right direction. Surround yourself with people who will support you and those who understand just what it means to balance family and business.  


I truly believe that systems are what keep you a float when you are balancing family and business. Systems are what run my life and keep me organized. I have systems for my emails, client workflow, image organization and storage as well as systems for social media and blogging. There is so much to balance when it comes to work/life and so having a way to keep it current and organized is SO important. It may seem ridiculous to systemize something as trivial as say a Facebook update, but keeping yourself organized in business frees you up to live your life, like going for a run with your baby. (If you'd like me to share more about how I organize each of these areas, leave a comment below!)  


Since the beginning of my business I have tried to create and HONOR boundaries in my home life and business. Of course there are those days, especially during a busy season, that you might find yourself staying up late to edit images, answer emails or work on a project. But that can't be every day life. There needs to be clear distinctions between your working hours and your home life, otherwise how can you give your best to either? For me that looks like working when I have child care and closing my computer when the hubby gets home from work. It means working hard throughout the week to have weekends that are filled with family and baby giggles. It means doing what needs to be done during "working hours" so that non working hours are filled with the things that make my heart happy.  

Get Help.


You simply cannot do it all on your own. Don't even try, it won't be worth the heartache, the stress, the worry and the anxiety that comes with a Mom who tries to be it all. I tried that. I tried to be the stay at home mom, the working photographer, the small business owner, the wife, the friend and the many hats we all wear. But I failed every time I tried to say I could do it all and have no help. Now Jonathan will head to daycare 2-3 times a week and is babysat 1-2 times a week. My mama heart rests easy knowing that Jonathan LOVES his time away with his friends at daycare and it gives me the freedom to work, uninterrupted. I could never give my clients and my baby my all if I was constantly trying to balance both at the same time. Getting help has given me freedom to invest my whole heart into my clients and our son and has eased much of the anxiety of trying to do it all. Of course this list is just a short abbreviation of lessons mamahood has given me over these last 12 months. And I certainly know that as Jonathan grows my capacity for my own growth will too. Being able to look back however, has given me an appreciation for what we have built together and how Jonathan has not only inspired me as a photographer but has given me a deep joy that translates directly into the images that I create and the relationships I form with my clients. It's a beautiful cycle. I'm ever so grateful to have the title of MOM and PHOTOGRAPHER.

When Life Doesn't Go As Planned

Over the weekend I sat down and finished my blogging calendar for the month of April. I organized and categorized my to do list. I made a plan and was excited for how much I was going to get done this week. Then we found out Jonathan has pneumonia, he developed a fever of 105 and my well laid plans were flipped on their head.  
As I bathed my poor baby in the tub yesterday, trying to reduce his fever, my best friend called. I was scared, alone and tired and I burst into tears. "I'm not going to get any work done today," I sobbed. Her reply? "Really? OF COURSE NOT! It's a sick day!!" 
Leave it to your best friend to give you the slap in the face you need. It indeed was a sick day, a very, very sick day. And I needed to be reminded that blogging, timelines, editing, emailing, they could all wait. My first responsibility was getting Jonathan healthy and cuddling him till my arms were numb (my biceps are killing me today!). Thankfully Jonathan's fever reduced and did not stay at that scary high number for too long. My Dad and Mom came home early from work and helped get everything organized and figured out. They picked Dave up from work and together we took care of Jonathan. 
Things don't always go to plan, especially when you have a baby and as a small business owner sometimes that can be a hard pill to swallow. I rely on systems and checklists and schedules. It's what makes my day tick and if I'm being completely honest, it's REALLY hard to break from that. Yesterday was a lesson in learning to bend and learning to let go.  
All those things that NEED to get done, they can wait. Baby cuddles come first.  


My Photography Wishlist

As you already know, I recently started the task of redoing my home office space. Part of the desk has arrived, the walls are painted and some decor has been hung. Just that little change alone has begun to inspire and refresh me in ways that I never anticipated. The space is not even finished yet and already I feel rejuvenated. It's amazing what a can of paint can do! 
Part of that rejuvenation is a rekindled desire to grow as a photographer. We all want to grow, but the day in, day out, tasks of running a small business can often impede on the creativity and artistic veins that drive us as creatives. My soul craves the arts and I realized that I just simply need more of that in my life. So I decided to surround myself with things that inspire me, images that make me crave something, images that make me feel something, images that push me as a photographer. Part of that comes through Pinterest.  
I created what I call my Photography Wishlist. My friend Emilia does something similar on Twitter through a series called Wedding Wishlist. Using social media in this manner is great way to share the things that inspire you while creating an outlet to connect with clients who share that same vision. Since I adore Pinterest, I used that to share with the world the idea, places, people and things that inspire me. Just looking at this pin board fires me up and makes me swoon. I hope that it connects with others too and begins us on a path of creativity together. I'm also a firm believer in putting things out there and so I collected images that represent the places I want photography to take me and the types of images I want to create.  
I write this all to say there is something very powerful about creating outlets for inspiration and creativity our lives. As photographers and creatives we should always be striving to grow and learn, to stretch ourselves and improve upon our craft. However you are inspired, take a few moments this week to seek it out. Find ways to surround yourself with those things every week, every day. Let it seep into the way that you see the world. Then go, create. pinspiration.jpgpinspiration2.jpgpinspiration4.jpg

Whim Floral Workshops

whim floral workshops deborah zoe photography whim events0001.JPG

Creating With Industry Peers

Last Friday night I had the pleasure of joining the Whim ladies of Whim Events for a floral workshop hosted at their Somerville studio. Having worked with the Whim Team in the past (you can see more of their work here and here) I knew that I was in for a fun evening. And while I set out to photograph the workshop, I had no idea how much I would LEARN while doing so!  

Moira, the floral designer of Whim Events, shared with us all her knowledge of how to arrange, preserve and pick the perfect flower for a floral arrangement. Did you know that if you cut the stem of a flower in a certain way that it makes the flower last longer? Or that some flower stems should never be cut or given flower food? Or that certain tools work better for pruning florals than others?! Well I sure didn't!  

Each lady was given a HUGE assortment of flowers that Moira had selected from the Boston Flower Market. She then when through each floral explaining why it could be used in a certain way, why it was picked and how all these florals worked together. I was captivated! I'm not a huge flower girl, heck I've killed every plant we've ever had, but I absolutely loved learning the tips and tricks Moira uses to give flowers a long and beautiful life! 

The Whim team hopes to host more of these workshops in the future (HOLLA! I know a certain mother in law that would LOVE this;)), which is incredibly exciting! What could be more fun than some wine, hip hop throwback tunes and floral arranging for a great girls night out?! Perfection!!  

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Whim Events hosts a floral workshop in their studio.

Here are some of my favorite images from the night, enjoy!

Our Home : State of The Office


Did I really just post a picture of my office? Yup I went there. I'm in the middle of a overhaul of my home office and to say that things are "out of place" would be the understatement of the year. I recently sold my beloved Pottery Barn Bedford desk to make room for an even bigger Bedford desk in a lovely shade of antique white.  

There was nothing wrong with my old desk, but in all honesty, the dark color left me feeling less than inspired when I would sit down to work. Not one to be foolish about things like that, I waited years until I felt it was a financially viable decision to purchase a new and larger desk (HELLO COUPONS!!). Plus I was able to sell the desk to another local photographer whose home decor fit well with the desk's dark wood stain. Saying goodbye was bittersweet, as it was my "desk of dreams" long before I even had my business. I saved and saved for that desk, purchasing it as a leap of faith that some day I would have my own photography business. Now it can be her "desk of dreams", a place for her to dream and grow. Is it sad of me to be joyful about someone else loving that desk as much as I did?! 

Since the desk was gone that meant every envelope, file, piece of paper and iota of junk had to be removed and picked through. So I thought while I was at it, I'd take inventory on my entire office and weed through the things I needed and the things that could be given away. Which of course led me to a complete state of overwhelmed. Slowly and steadily I'm working my way through everything, determined for each item to have a proper place and home in the office. No more clutter, no more disorganization. Serenity now, HA!  

Anywhoo, I hope to blog the overhaul SOON, but there still is a desk to arrive, some painting to be done and of course a little, JUST A LITTLE, shopping to be enjoyed to really tie the room together. In the meantime I'm completely open to suggestions for a paint scheme. As you can see I've tossed around a few ideas already and I'm picking up a few paint samples later today. But I could really use your help to make a decision, ideas anyone?! 


Here's to spring cleaning I guess!

Welcome Site For Inquiring Clients

Screen Shot 2014-03-25 at 12.30.30 PM.jpg
New Addition to

I'm so excited to announce a new Welcome Site developed exclusively for inquiring clients, a hub for all things Deborah Zoe Photography. Once again I worked with my amazing designer, Tara of Stupendous Design, to create a unique plus site to my main website. This site compliments my main website but has a life of it's own. She created a way for me to present important information in a FUN and creative way, developing an idea of letterpress cards on which each section of information is present. I absolutely fell in love. They almost look just like my custom stationary, I'm a sucker for cohesive and consistent design! 
The new Welcome site is a hub for information and includes a welcome from me, information about albums and the Collections as well as frequently asked questions (plus more to come!). My goal was to provide as much information as possible to potential clients to help them make smart and informed decisions about their wedding photography. Nothing is kept hidden and hopefully inquiring couples walk away knowing exactly who I am, armed with information about the services I provide and how we can best work together for their wedding day!  
Here's a sneak peek into the new site, enjoy!Screen Shot 2014-03-25 at 12.30.30 PM.jpgScreen Shot 2014-03-25 at 12.31.06 PM.jpgScreen Shot 2014-03-25 at 12.31.35 PM.jpgScreen Shot 2014-03-25 at 12.31.45 PM.jpgScreen Shot 2014-03-25 at 12.40.27 PM.jpg

Capturing Wedding Details

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Having just participate in a styled shoot, much of our time was dedicate to photographing the styled details that were a part of the shoot. Of course the details were perfect, carefully picked and paired together. As we were experimenting and talking through how we photograph details, it made me stop and think : WHY do we photograph details on a wedding day and HOW can we go about doing that in an artful and considerate fashion. I thought I'd tackle those two topics today addressing photographers and Brides on the importance of capturing the wedding day details and including them into the wedding portfolio!Why.

Why is photographing the details of the wedding important? Well for starters, the details are the elements that help tell the story of the day. From the invitations to the flowers, the centerpieces to the place cards, the details help tie together the color scheme, the feeling and the overall look of the wedding day. They are the "filling" so to speak that binds the wedding day portfolio together. This is especially true when it comes to the wedding album where the detail images are incredibly important in creating a cohesive and visually appealing album design.  

Additionally couples dedicate much time and thought into choosing the elements for their details. These details often become a huge part of the planning process and therefore become very important to the couple. They might even be family heirlooms which again gives them a high value of importance. These details also represent the many vendors that are a part of the day and care should be taken to capture images of those vendors work.  

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Lastly, Bride and Grooms will often dedicate a large chunk of their wedding budget to the details. Whether its the plated hors d'oeuvres that are being passed at cocktail hour or the stunning bridal bouquet, each of these elements represent a choice, one that the couple has painstakingly thought about. That alone deserves our attention and care when it comes to documenting the wedding day.How.

So now that you know why the details are important, how do you go about documenting them? For each detail I multi range approach. First I start wide, then mid, then tight. For example, with the the images picked for this post, you can see the various focal lengths that I am using to document each scene. I want to make sure that I am capturing the scene in which the details are in, but also not being afraid to shoot tight and eliminate distracting elements. I want to give the couple a varied selection of their details for their own enjoyment as well as capture images that gives me flexibility when designing their wedding album. 

I'm also not afraid to rearrange the details and elements in a way that is attractive and styled. I want to make sure that these details represent the wedding day in a beautiful way and that often requires that I style the details and elements. For example, if the stationary suite has hints of blue then I will work hard to find elements in the room or within other wedding details to highlight that blue. I will eliminate distracting elements in the background and work to create artfully crafted images of the details of the day! 

Finally, I would encourage you to be aware of your perspective when documenting the details. Try to keep your horizon lines level, shoot straight down on items, shoot straight across tables and be aware of anything distracting in your foreground and background.  

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For the Bride.

Brides, you can play an important role in how your details are documented throughout the day. As your photographer, I know just how special each element is and how much thought and care went into picking your details. In order to have the details captured artfully there are a few things to consider. First, especially during the getting ready portion of the day, make sure to have all your details collected and together so that your photographer can easily and quickly style the details together. This includes your bouquet, shoes, jewelry, stationary, hairpieces, veil, dress, etc. It can also be helpful to include fabric swatches or other elements that might be used throughout the day to tie into those images.  

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When it comes to capturing the details at your reception, it is important to factor in time to do so. We need at least 15 minutes in the reception room/venue, before guests enter so that we can photograph the details before they are disturbed. You can help by communicating this to your venue coordinator and/or planner to ensure that this time is factored into your timeline. If you have any questions about how I capture the wedding day details or how to best approach this part of the wedding day, leave a comment below!

Product Highlight | Signature Album

As you probably already know I feel passionate about Wedding Albums and allowing couples to have tangible memories from their wedding day. I am passionate about taking wedding images and presenting them in such a way that preserves and celebrates the wedding for generations to come. And though we live in a digital world where things are increasingly done and "enjoyed" online, there is something truly magical about holding your wedding album in your hands. There is just something about taking singular images and putting them together as a story. Oh you bet I could go on and on! 

Today I wanted to share some of my favorite spreads from albums (recent and past). Almost from the beginning I have turned over the designing of wedding albums to a professional. I'm a wedding photographer, not a designer, and I wanted to make sure that I was giving each album the attention and care that it needed. That meant hiring a professional designer to artfully and personally create custom designs for each couple. I couldn't be happier with my designer, Erica from the Summer House. She is the perfect fit and creates beautiful and incredible designs with my images for my clients! 

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If you'd like to read more about the album design process click here. Today, is about sharing with you the beautiful designs that have been created for couples over the years. I'm absolutely giddy when I write this because I just can't wait to share them with you! So without further adieu, sit back and enjoy some lovely designs and be transported through each spread. Designed by The Album Design.Designed by The Album Design.Designed by The Album Design.Designed by me!Designed by The Album Design.Designed by me!Designed by me!Designed by me!Unless noted all designs are artfully created by Erica at the Summer House. She is absolutely incredible and a joy to work with. If you're interested in learning more about outsourcing your album design feel free to email me with questions or to contact Erica!

Traveling With Photo Gear

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Tips on Keeping Your Equipment Safe and Secure

This past week I had the pleasure of traveling for work and for fun!! Last December a dear friend and fellow photographer, Emilia, invited me to Chicago to second shoot with her (check out the beautiful wedding here). I was beyond excited because I absolutely LOVE Chicago and have been dying to photograph a wedding there. Our dear friends and family also live in the area I brought the hubs and babe along too.  

Since this was a semi work trip it meant that I not only had to bring along luggage and our baby gear, but my photo equipment as well. While this was the first time I've traveled with a baby it wasn't the first time I've traveled for business nor the first time that I've flown with my gear. It can be a bit nerve wracking if you've never flown with your photography gear before so here are some tips to get you from here to there with peace of mind.  

Use The Right Bag

If you're going to fly, you're going to need the right bag to transport all of your important gear. My rule of thumb is to have all of my gear, if possible one me at all times. I use the Think Tank Airport International V2 bag for all of my traveling (and on the wedding day). That bag can hold two bodies, all my lenses and flashes as well as all my batteries and any equipment accessories I might need on me like the hyperdrive (Plus I can also shove some flying needs like magazines, water, and an iPad in it too). It's sized to be a carry on bag and has fit in every plane I've flown in. The key to this bag is that it can be used as a carry on meaning that I can have my gear on me and in my sight at all times.  

Never Check Your Gear (if you can avoid it)

If you can avoid it, never, ever, check your gear. We all know how baggage handlers throw, crush, and abuse luggage. Can you imagine what would happen to your gear if you checked your bag?! Not to mention it could all be lost! I shudder to think of the thought. Be proactive in helping your gear stay safe and protected and use carry on sized bags that fit either under the seat or above so. And another rule of thumb, place your bag directly above your seat, if you can. Call me obsessive but I like knowing where my gear is at all times. 

Be Prepared

ANYTHING can happen while traveling. Even if you plan on using your equipment bag as a carry on sometimes it can be checked. For example, the plane might be too small for your bag or the flight might be full and all the space taken. If possible, keep your body, your cards, a spare battery and as many lenses as you can fit, and shove them into another bag you have with you. That way you minimize the amount of gear that will be out of your possession while on the trip. Or if you can gate check the bag, you'll lessen the amount of hands the bag has to go through before it can be back in your care. Additionally, if you can get a seat up near the front, you'll be able to board the plane ahead of other passengers diminishing the likely hood that precious overhead bin space will be taken up by bags. (Or you can travel with a child under two like us and received priority boarding, what what!!) We love flying jetBlue, as they always have lots of space, and the cheapest non-stop flights for this scaredy-cat who hates to fly. 

Travel Light

When I can I try to travel with as little as possible. Instead of bringing large light stands with me to Chicago for example, I used these collapsable ones. And instead of bring every lens I owned, I try to pick the most versatile lenses I could. This allowed me to keep everything to one bag and it kept me from killing myself with heavy bags and clumsy accessories. I could move quickly without holding up my husband, the baby or other passengers. If I am traveling VERY lightly I use this Kelly Moore bag which can hold my gear, a laptop, an iPad and any flying needs I may have like water and snacks.  


It probably needs to go without saying but if you plan on doing ANY traveling, even just to local weddings, insure your gear. You've spent hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on your equipment, and it's worth the investment to have it insured PROPERLY. Make sure that your equipment coverage is specific and covers you for out of state and out of country travel. Make sure that you understand the ins and outs of your coverage (what is covered, what is not) so that in the case of an emergency you know that you are protected. And as a side note, if for some horrible reason you ever loose your gear or it is stolen, find out where you can rent gear while you are traveling. You never want to have to say to a client that you are unable to work because your gear has been stolen or lost. I love working with Hill & Usher for my business insurance needs and feel safe and secure as I travel.  

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This past trip was a an experience to say the least. But with the help of my amazing husband, we made it through security, boarding, deplaning and baggage claim with little stress and NO missed bags or missing gear! Hurray!! I was so proud of our success I made the hubs take a picture with all our bags and baby. Badabing, badaboom!

Goodbye For the Holidays

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Taking A Short Hiatus

It's almost Christmas, can you believe it?! I'm am SO excited for my favorite holiday because this year we get to experience it through the eyes of our darling baby boy. I'm sure he'll enjoy the wrapping paper and boxes more than the actual presents we bought him but nevertheless I cannot wait to wake him up at the crack of dawn (more likely he'll wake us up), run down stairs and experience Christmas Day in a whole new way!! 
Earlier this month I posted on Facebook a challenge of sorts to myself. I questioned if I should take a short hiatus at the end of this year from things like social media. After all, we've been through a lot this year and in full honesty, I'm a little tired. 
I want to make the most of these precious moments we have together at the end of this year. So instead of blogging I'll be playing in the snow, going on a date with my husband and eating copious amounts of chocolate with good friends and family. I'm practically giddy about it!! 
Once again, I'm so grateful to all of you who stop by and visit the blog each day and who take the time to interact and comment. It truly means the world to me!! I want this blog to not just be a place where I write but where you can come to join in the conversation. My goal every day is to write here so as to encourage and equip you and I plan to continue to do just that in the New Year!!  
Adios friends it's been a WONDERFUL year, I'll see you in 2014!!CFB_3322-Edit.jpgThis is our family Christmas photo, thanks to my lovely and dear friend (and amazing photographer!) Coco. We love you lady, especially Jonathan!!

New Stationary

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Letterpress Stationary from Hartford Prints!

Earlier this spring I was introduced to the beautiful work of Hartford Prints! when they generously supplied the stationary suite for our collaborative styled shoot. I fell in love and began thinking of any excuse I could find to work with them! When the time came for me to redesign my own stationary suite for my business I immediately contacted Hartford Prints!. The ladies quickly got to work on creating pieces that were just me! I chose to have several cards created for the various communication needs I have throughout the client experience. And since I have absolutely RUBBISH hand writing we chose to have much of the text typed out on the card with space for me to write personalized messages to the couple, rubbish handwriting and all;). The cards are beautiful and delicate and are the perfect compliment to my branding. I'm in love!! I cannot wait to start sharing these with all my 2014 clients!! If you're in need of BEAUTIFUL stationary for your` wedding day or business, please do yourself a favor and check out Hartford Prints!. It's a wonderful feeling supporting another local small business plus you get an amazing and beautiful product!! Check out my suite below. deborah zoe photography hartford prints! stationary wedding photographer0001.JPGdeborah zoe photography hartford prints! stationary wedding photographer0002.JPGdeborah zoe photography hartford prints! stationary wedding photographer0003.JPGdeborah zoe photography hartford prints! stationary wedding photographer0004.JPGdeborah zoe photography hartford prints! stationary wedding photographer0005.JPG

The Winner Is

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The Annual Canvas Contest

The votes are in, have been counted twice and this morning I'm excited to announce the winner of the Best of 2013 Annual Canvas Contest!! Drumroll please.... the winner is :  
boston seaport hotel wedding photographerKatie and Kevin's iconic Boston skyline image from their Seaport Hotel wedding! Congrats guys!! Your friends and family rallied around you and helped you pull to the front!! You'll be receiving a beautiful gallery wrap for your home, the perfect way to celebrate and remember your wedding day! 
Thank you to everyone who participated and voted for their favorite image!! What a year of beautiful weddings and lovely couples it has been!!

Year In Review 2013

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Behind The Scenes

It's hard to believe that this year's wedding season is over! I feel like I was just packing up my bag for the first wedding of the year, my first wedding after having a baby! What a transition it was! It was hard but unbelievably rewarding. I simply could not have accomplished this season without the amazing help from the wonderful team I worked with this year. Plus, together we had a LOT of fun!! Here are just a few images of the behind the scenes action that went into making some lovely images this year!! Feel free to have a giggle at our expense too;)!! 
(And if you missed it click here to see a Year In Review Engagements and Weddings!)This is my favorite behind the scenes image from the year... I absolutely LOVED working as a team with these wonderful people!!deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0001.JPGAnd of course I had to include this image because my hubby makes a sneak appearance... can you spot him?:)deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0002.JPGThe videographer and the VERY preggo photographer.deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0003.JPGSmile on my face!!deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0004.JPGLauren, my beautiful test subject!!deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0005.JPGThere she is!!deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0006.JPGDo you remember this day in July, when it was 500 degrees out?!! deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0007.JPGdeborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0008.JPGThe lovely Cristen, who hates to have her picture taken but I make her do it anyways!!deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0009.JPGKarla nabbed this shot from the balcony at this HUGE church.deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0010.JPGdeborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0011.JPGKrista snagged these, I start to get a little touchy...deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0012.JPGShooting some details...OH HEY COCO, can you spot her?!deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0014.JPGdeborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0015.JPGLauren hard at work makin' that veil do it's thing!deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0016.JPGThen Coco got a turn!deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0018.JPGdeborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0019.JPGWord.deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0020.JPGdeborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0022.JPGI ALWAYS do that foot up thing... not explanation!deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0023.JPGKarla workin' the veil!deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0024.JPGHow many people does it take to fluff a dress? More than you think...deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0025.JPGdeborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0026.JPGdeborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0027.JPGBwahahaha, don't hate me Cristen, I LOVE this photo!!deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0028.JPGThis was also just after a bunny ran across the path...deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0029.JPGdeborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0030.JPGI have no words...deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0031.JPGMy lovely test subject again!! deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0032.JPGdeborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0033.JPGI love these next few images, as Lauren and I are all smiles as we do our job!!deborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0034.JPGdeborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0036.JPGdeborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0037.JPGdeborah zoe photography behind the scenes year in review boston wedding photographer0039.JPGThere you have it, a year of behind the scenes!! I absolutely love what I do and I'm so grateful for the couples and photographers who make my job beautiful!!

Holiday Print Sale

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The Annual Holiday Print Sale Is Here!

The annual Holiday print sale is here!! (Well, almost!) Beginning on Small Business Saturday and ending on January 4, all print galleries will be featuring a 30% discount for print orders. Details were released via the Newsletter last night, but in case you missed all the information check out the details below:  
-- In celebration of the Holidays please enjoy a 30% discount off your next print order!! 
-- To receive your discount enter code HOLIDAY30 during check out. 
-- To find your print gallery please visit here
-- For questions about this print promotion please email me at 
Last year I introduced this sale and past and current clients alike were able to revisit their images, print TANGIBLE memories for their homes, all while enjoying a 30% discount!! And while I originally viewed this as a way to celebrate shopping SMALL around Small Business Saturday, I realized that this could also be a way to extend a thank you to my amazing past and current clients as a year end celebration!! 
Starting on Saturday, enjoy a 30% discount with code HOLIDAY30 on all print orders via your printing gallery!! Remember, images are not meant to sit on a computer or a thumb drive. They are meant to be printed and ENJOYED. Get out there and order some prints, for your home and for your families. Enjoy!!deborah zoe photography christmas decor00021.JPG

Best of 2013

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The Annual Canvas Contest Is Here

It's that time of year again! Time to rally up your friends and family to help you win a beautiful canvas for your home! With the end of the 2013 wedding season I'm excited to announce the start of the annual Best of 2013 contest! This is one of my favorite traditions to do each year and it's certainly become one of the most popular for my clients and their loved ones.  
All you have to do is head on over to the Facebook page and find the Best of 2013 album. There you'll be able to vote for your favorite image by liking or commenting on the image. The couple with the most votes by December 16 will win a beautiful canvas print for their home! 
Ever year I love seeing friends and family rally around their loved ones to help them win! For more information check out the instructions below. Spread the word and HAPPY VOTING!! 
Here's the 411:  
1. Go to my Facebook page and make sure you're a fan!  
2. Find the Best of 2013 Contest album.  
3. To vote, find your favorite image and click Like or leave a comment. (Duplicate or additional comments from the same person will only be considered as one vote.) 
4. Encourage, bribe, flatter, cajole, and tell your friends and family to vote for YOUR image!!  
5. Eagerly await for December 17, 2018 when the winner will be announced right here on the blog! That's almost a whole month of voting!! 
*The contest will officially close on December 16, 2013 at 11:00pm. No entries past that time will be considered.   
So now that you know the rules, get out there and VOTE!!! Will you YOU be the winner?! Find out December 17th!! 
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Four Years Of Weddings

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A Lighthearted Reflection

As we were driving home last night I casually mentioned to Dave that Sunday was my last wedding of the season. He seemed surprise that the end of the season was already here and I have to admit that it's crept up on both of us. As we chatted a bit more Dave asked me "How many years has it been now?" Running my own business and photographing weddings has become such a huge part of my life (as any small business owner can relate to) that it took me a moment to remember a time that I wasn't doing this!  
Officially this has been my fourth season as a business owner and wedding photographer, though I've been working and shooting for quite some time before that. But Deborah Zoe Photography has been alive for the last four years, and has we drove through the night Dave encouraged me to think about some of the things that I've learned in these last four years.  
Of course I take everything seriously and so I thought about all the business knowledge and customer service care I've learned. But Dave, being the awesome guy he is, took a more light hearted approach. "No, no, no," he said, "Tell them about how you hate Quickbooks and have learned how your Husband can be bribed in hugs and kisses to do it for you..." 
Ok then! Here are four of the more lighthearted things that I've learned as a business owner and wedding photographer these last four years. I pray someone can relate. I'm not the only one...right?!;) 
1. I hate Quickbooks.  
I absolutely, whole heartedly hate Quickbooks. But I do realized that in order to run a legitimate business you need to keep track of things like say, oh I don't know, your expenses and deposits and taxes. When it comes down to actually tracking those things my head turns to mush and I blankly stare at the computer screen or more likely browse JCrew and stalk Facebook. Thank goodness for husbands who can be persuaded to balance my Quickbooks for me with the bat of the eye and a come hither stare. Ok I don't do any of that, but I do pay him in a kiss and a hug!! 
2. My husband loves college football. And wedding days.  
My husband has a alternate life when I'm away at weddings. And to give the man credit he does a LOT to keep our home and life running while I'm away. He also does a whole lot of football watching too. He practically rejoices when the fall arrives and my weekends are full. Thanks hunny, miss you too;). When I'm away the boys will play... and watch a lot of college football. Dave practically binge watches college ball, it's on when I leave during the day and it's still on (sometimes) when I arrive home at night. Dave loves wedding days.  
3. Never barf at the altar. 
Yes folks, I almost threw up in front of the altar during a ceremony last year. I divulged this story to the Bride later and she got a kick out of it, but at the time I was freaking out, afraid I was about to toss my cookies right there in front of the ENTIRE WEDDING. This is how I found out I was pregnant. Luckily my amazing second shooter saw the look of horror and sickness on my face and rushed to get some water out of the car. I made it through with a smile on my face glad to say I have never barfed at the altar yet. 
4. Always chicken fingers and bread.  
If there is one thing I simply crave towards the end of a wedding day is bread. It is almost like torture when the bread is served and I watch, with drool on my mouth, as guests enjoy each savory bite. Do I crave bread in every day life? NOPE. But for whatever reason on a wedding day that bread basket is like some tempting treat I just NEED to have. That goes for the chicken fingers too. I'll pass on the steak please, can you just bring me the kid meal with a heaping serving of chicken fingers? Apparently I need more carbs on the wedding day... 
So there you have a few of the more fun things I've learned over the years. Please tell me you can relate;)!!deborah zoe photography behind the scenes boston wedding photographer00141.JPG