12 Months Old
Jonathan is officially ONE!! We celebrated his birthday yesterday and on Saturday we’ll be throwing a little bbq party over at our place. I simply cannot believe just how fast this year has gone. Yesterday I recounted some of my favorite memories from this past year, so thankful and grateful for this little man and how he has changed our life. And I know you’re probably on Jonathan overload, but indulge me just one more day to express just how much this little guy has changed our world:)! (Plus who doesn’t love pictures of a cute baby?)
There’s this funny comedy skit that Dave and I found early on after Jonathan was born. We had just gone through the trials of labor and the first few months of a newborn. We FINALLY understood what our friends (who had traveled this path before us) understood. We thought we knew, but we had no idea. And while this skit is pretty hilarious for its accuracy (what is a good nights sleep?), on a more serious note, we never knew just how having a child would change our life. We thought we knew, but we had no idea.
I had always dreamed of having a baby, having a family. I never pictured my adult years without that. And when we became pregnant back in 2012, I was nervous, elated and every emotion in between. We were so excited to add to our family. We thought we knew what it was going to be like having a baby, but we had no idea. When I arrived at Beth Israel to begin my induction we were nervous and elated to begin the labor process. I thought we knew what it would be like to bring a child into this world, but we had no idea. And for those two days of labor I wanted nothing more than to hold my baby in my arms, I thought I knew what it would be like, feel like, but I had no idea.
I had no idea what would change inside of us the moment that Jonathan was born. I had no idea that my heart would swell every time he looked at me or wrapped his hand around my finger or reached out to give me a hug. I had no idea that my love tank could feel like it was going to burst every time I’d see Dave holding our baby in his arms, or when he cried after he was born. We thought we knew what it would be like to have a baby. But truthfully we could never have imagined just how much joy, love and peace we would receive from the bundle of life that is Jonathan.
He’s quite literally changed our life and for the better. He is my baby, my darling boy. He’s a people person, someone who draws you in. He loves you the minute he sees you. He squeals with joy over tickles and brings a raucous atmosphere to my calm and collected life. I will never be the same person I was before we had Jonathan. He has changed me in every way possible, he has seeped into every facet of my heart, and he has made our life together as a family of three one of pure joy.
Happy First Birthday darling boy, we love you so!!This will be the last in the series of Jonathan’s First Year. It’s such a bittersweet moment to end this chapter, but I’m so grateful to have taken the time to do this series. Looking back has been wonderful, a delight really.