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Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Jonathan's First Year


Six Months Old

Month six, oh month six. Jonathan has seemingly grown over night this month. He had his first attempts at crawling, can sit up almost unassisted and is increasingly more and more aware and interactive. He loves other babies and eating paper. It is simply a joy to watch him discover and explore the world around him.  

Month six has had it's challenges. Jonathan, while being an incredibly joyful baby, has also developed a sense of likes and dislikes. Mainly disliking naps, sleep and anything related to closing his eyes. He constantly wants to be a part of whatever is going on, even if his body desperately wants to rest. I guess he got that from his Mama. 

The other night Jonathan, Dave and I laid on our new living room carpet and played together as the tv was muted in the background. I turned to Dave and said "We need to cherish these memories right here, soak it in, revel in it." He quietly shook his head and pulled us in close. Those moments right there, our baby quietly playing, my husband holding me close, those moments are what life is made of. I truly wish I could capture those moments forever in a box, to be opened on days that are not so beautiful. I'm so grateful God allows us to experience such sweet joy. 

So Jonathan is six months old. He's growing quickly into a little man. I cannot wait to see what the next six months holds in store for him but for now I'm going to cherish these beautiful moments I have with this precious little nugget. Sleepless nights and all. 


If you'd like to see more, click here to see Jonathan's First Year month by month : Month One, Month Two, Month Three, Month Four, Month Five, Month Six, Month Seven, Month Eight, Month NineMonth Ten, and Month Eleven.