Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Mentor Session Giveaway!

Last year I had the opportunity to attend a mentor session with Justin and Mary. That session inspired me to reach for some goals that before I had just been to scared to even try. One of those goals was to have opportunities to teach and encourage others. So with their encouragement, last spring I announced that I was giving away two free Mentor Sessions.

I was so nervous to even put that out there on the internet. I mean, what did I have to offer? Was anyone going to respond? What would people think? But yet I did and despite all of my insecurities and fears people did respond! People did want to learn and people did want to connect! I had the chance to meet with two wonderful woman who've I stayed in touch with over this past year. It's been amazing to watch as they've grown over this past year not only in their business life but in their personal life as well. To me, this is what it's all about. Connecting and growing together.

And so, it is with great pleasure, that I am announcing again a special giveaway of two Ask Anything Mentor Sessions. These sessions can be about anything you want them to be: business, photography, life. And better yet, you don’t have to be a photographer to enter! I really want our time together to be beneficial to you and where you are in your life or your business life right now. I'll be the first to admit that I don't have all the answers but my goal is to encourage you, equip you and help point you in the right direction:)

To enter all you have to do is leave a comment with a piece of knowledge you'd like to learn in 2012 or a goal you'd like to see accomplished:) If you are interested, please leave a comment below by Friday January 20 to be entered for one of the two slots. The winners will be announced here on the blog on Monday January 23!

Let’s connect, let’s grow and let’s dream together!

My Other (Better) Half

You make me dinners when you get home from work and I am still sitting in front of the computer. You fix my blog and help me with Quickbooks. And when I am feeling down, when I am filled with doubt, you are there reassuring me. You believe in me. And while this may look like a one woman show most of the time, the reality is that I couldn't do any of this without you. Your love, your support, your encouragement. You. You. You. Thank you for all that you do.