Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Photographers Photographing Photographers

It's a very rare occurrence that we as photographers have opportunities to be IN front of the camera instead of behind it. And there is a reason for that. I think we can all collectively say that some of us are TERRIFIED in front of the camera. It's nerve racking, awkward and unfamiliar. But everyone once in a while it's good to stretch yourself, place your butt in the position of the client and learn how to work it. So while we were at WPPI, a convention for photographers, we took a rare moment away to photograph each other. And to our surprise, it was so. much. fun. There was no pressure, no expectations, no limits. We could just have fun with each other, let loose and get our inner model on. Plus it's a great exercise to learn how to pose and direct your clients better. How else will you learn than by actually putting yourself in their shoes.

I love each of these ladies below. Each one of them means something dear to me. I can't tell you enough how important it is to find people that you can surround yourself with that will support you, encourage you, challenge you and push you forward. Plus it always helps to a similar love of all things Downton Abbey, mixed drinks, and fashion in common:)!

I'm really excited to share Jessica, Alicia, Coco, Krista, and Emilia with you. I edited all the images exclusively with the VSCO presets, something completely out of my normal in terms of editing. Plus would you have guessed they were all lit with just an iPhone?! I'm pretty excited about how they turned out. But I'll let you be the judge of that. I hope you enjoy the images below. And I am desperately hoping that I'll have some time again to play before wedding season starts. Anyone want to model?:)

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Some behind the scenes shots. Yes, my portraits were taken in the bathroom in a suite at the Palms. Ya know, the place where the kids at Real World lived. I'm so classy.

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