Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

Meet The Parkers : Jasmine

Today is Day 2 in the week long series of Meet The Parkers! Yesterday you got a peek inside MY brain. Today, it's an all out Jasmine love fest:)! I talk about our dog Maya a whole bunch, so you might not even know we have a little cat! A little grey diva! But yet despite her rock star attitude and tendency for dramatics, we love this little fur ball! Want to know all about her? Well then check out our interview below (yes, yes, we're crazy!)

1. Jasmine, could you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I'm a 12 inch long Sagittarius with a free spirit and soft belly, who likes to take a long naps on the couch. I do not however, like to dance in the rain.

2. Favorite Food?

Potato chips. Lays preferably. That stuff is like kitty crack.

3. Life, before Maya or after?

Is this a serious question? Paahhhlease!I never knew how good I had it before that dog arrived. I had my days to myself, I wasn't chased around the house, I didn't have to fight for attention. When is she leaving again?

4. What is your favorite day time activity?

Napping in the sunny spots. Might make a cat a little loopy, but I sure do love a warm belly.

5. If you could change one thing what would it be?

Dog, gone.

6. Pick one, Dave or Debbie. And go!

That's an easy answer, Dave! He's the tallest. His shoulders are the perfect place to perch and observe that menace they call Maya.

7. Scratching post or chair?

Their bed actually. It's my favorite spot to get a good scratch in. And it's upholstered so they love it when I use it!

8. Favorite spot to sleep?

I like to find a good bag to dig around in and park my behind. Debbie's purses are perfect for this, just thre right size for my fluffy self.

9. Introvert or extrovert?

Extrovert! But don't even think about coming near me. Ick, hands petting me and touching me and holding me. There could be nothing worse!

10. If you could go anywhere in the world....

It would be outdoors!

If you don't think we are officially crazy yet for interviewing our cat, stay tuned for tomorrow where Maya makes her way to the blog!