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Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

J'Adore : Running Gear

*Edited to add: The winner of their very own copy of The Brand Called You is Tiffany! Make sure to email me Tiffany!*

It's May and that means that warm weather is JUST around the corner! Actually it's been pretty warm all winter... we've been spoiled and I've spent many a morning and evening enjoying some amazing runs outside without freezing my butt off!

Yes, I'm a runner. I know, It probably don't look like it at first glance but I really enjoy running! I considered myself a casual runner, as I'm pretty slow, don't run long distances and have NO aspirations to run competitively. But all the same, running has been a part of my life since high school and I love lacing up and hitting the road!

Since we're heading into the warmer months and many of us will start running more, I thought I'd share the things that help me J'Adore running and look good doing it! Because, after all, we all know getting out there and moving is so much easier when you look cute!



1. Runkeeper App. I couldn't live with out the Runkeeper app! I can play my running playlist and get five minute updates on how far I've run, how fast I'm going and what my overall pace is. It's such a great way to stay accountable when out for a run!

2. Victoria Secret Headband. I stumbled on these headbands and fell in love. When you have hair like mine, you need something that will keep the fuzz out of your face!

3. Old Navy Running Capri. I love working out in capris. They give me just the right coverage over my legs and core and are super comfy. Who would have thought Old Navy would make my favorite pair?

4. Brooks Running Shoe. I love these sneakers! For someone who has NO arch, these shoes provide great support and comfort!

5. Nathan Portable Water Bottle. This water bottle is a life saver, even on small runs!

6. Nike Tank Top. I stumbled on the pink version of this tank top at Marshalls. It's SO SO SO soft, stretchy and comfortable.

Who else out there likes to run?! Have any gear you can't live without?