Isla’s Fifth Month


I better write this post fast before she turns six months!! Gosh this month has FLOWN by!! I think month five has been the fastest so far — truly in the blink of an eye we’re nearing six months!! To be honest, there hasn’t bee a HUGE change from month four to month five or maybe it’s that all the changes are subtle and meld together that it’s hard to keep track. Just all of a sudden you turn around and it’s like your baby is a new person over night!! Here are a few of the highlights of month five!

  • Isla is a ROLLING machine!! She loves to roll from her back to her tummy – just don’t let her stay that way for long or she’ll let you know she’s not happy!

  • Speaking of rolling over, she LOVES sleeping on her tummy. As soon as I place her in the crib, before I even leave the room, she’s already rolled onto her tummy to sleep.

  • Still HATES the pacifier – I still don’t know if it’s good or bad for us!!

  • She started eating solids this month – we started with oats and she DEVOURED THEM. She LOVES her food!! We just started on avocado.

  • Isla has learned her voice this month becoming more and more vocal. He little coos and squeaks are pretty much the sweetest sound in the world!!

  • Sleep still alludes us — she’s given us a few days here and there where she’ll sleep through the night (a consecutive 8 hours) but most nights she’s up around 4 or 5am AND WON’T GO BACK DOWN. We’re tired.

  • Isla helped me kick off the wedding season by traveling to the Cape with Dave and I in May. She slept like a champ in a strange place and even took a nap so I could watch the Royal Wedding!!

  • Isla loooves her big brother and thinks he is the silliest — he obviously loves this to no end 🙂

See more of Isla’s First Year : Month OneMonth TwoMonth Three, Month Four
