Isla’s Seventh Month


Hard to believe another month as come and gone — every since Isla hit month five, the months have flown by at rapid pace. And each and every day I am ever so grateful she is in our lives. This age is JUST THE BEST!! She is cuddly, silly, loves to explore and watch the world around her. Being able to be at her side as she learns life is such an honor and just so fun!! Here are a few highlights of month seven : 

  • Isla spent her first overnight with Grammie and Grandpa, who graciously offered to babysit so that we could celebrate our anniversary. Yes I cried and Isla did AMAZING!!

  • Isla is still sleeping through the night and we are SO GRATEFUL. SO GRATEFUL.

  • She continues to eat like a champ and will definitely let you know if you’re not shoveling the food in fast enough, ha!

  • She’s starting to sit up better and better each day but no crawling yet!!

  • She’s starting to interact with her toys more and more these days, her faves continue to be Sophie and Mortimer and now Minnie too!! We have to make sure they are on us at all times.

  • Isla still dislikes the car seat and will sure let us know when she’s over it!!

  • Only her two bottom teeth have popped through still waiting on those pesky others!!

  • We’ve spent several amazing weekends in New Hampshire that saw Isla swimming for the first time at the lake an in a pool!! Jury’s still out on whether or not she likes begin wet 😉

See more of Isla’s First Year : Month OneMonth TwoMonth ThreeMonth Four, Month Five, Month Six
