A Fireman and A Cupcake


This past weekend we celebrated Jonathan’s third birthday with a BBQ at our home. It was an especially beautiful spring day (are rare treat this year with our cold and rainy weather!) with lots of food and outdoor fun. Dave has a large extended family, many who make the journey to our house and ever year our yard is filled with kiddos, bubbles and lawn chairs. It makes my heart really full.

This year we celebrated with firetrucks, one of Jonathan’s favorite things. As I watched him try to blow out his birthday candle in his new fire chief jacket, I was reminded of just how fast time goes. Wasn’t it just yesterday that we were bringing him home from the hospital? I knew that this day would come quickly but it’s a whole different thing when it actually does.

This week I found myself in conversation with a fellow entrepreneur and new Mom. We chatted about the struggles of balancing work and home life and what it looks like to run a business while also growing your family. I’m three years into that balance and have found it to be one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences. It’s a balance that needs to be filled with grace, patience and compromise.

The things that I wanted three years ago for my business have radically shifted all because of this cute fireman. It’s hard to describe what it looks like to have a business that you are incredibly passionate about, one that you have poured your heart and soul into, while also raising a child who has stolen that same heart, become your everything. It truly is an art of balance.

One of my favorite entrepreneurs and fellow Mom is Joanna Gaines. I fell in love with her driven spirit and love her family years ago when I discovered a little known show at the time called Fixer Upper. It’s been amazing to watch as she and her husband Chip have continued to radically grow their business, positively influence their community all while keeping their family at the forefront. She wrote a blog post several years ago that has always stuck with me.

“For those of you who are working moms and struggle to find the balance between loving your job and loving your kids, I feel your pain. We have to let go of the guilt and rather than feel burdened about missing out, we need to celebrate the fact that we are doing what we were made to do.” – Joanna Gaines

You can read the full post here, I guarantee that it will encourage your heart. If you’re a new Mom, Mom for several years or a business owner who dreams of expanding her family some day, take heart. I believe that there is room for both. With a lot of patience, grace and compromise. Your focus will shift, your priorities will change but you will still chase after your dreams and raise beautiful babies. It’s hard and it can be scary but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth the sacrifice and effort it takes to raise children and build a business that matters.
