Photography Blog

Boston wedding photographer passionate about documenting exquisite celebrations rooted in family and one of a kind experiences. Based on Boston's North Shore.

North Shore Doings : Manchester-By-The-Sea


As you might have seen on Facebook and Instagram, Dave and I celebrated our eight year wedding anniversary on Monday. So over the weekend Dave treated me to a date night complete with a few stops along the North Shore. We started the night in Hamilton, the town where we were married and had a delicious meal at the Black Cow. I had never been here before but had heard amazing things and let me tell you the food did not disappoint!! Nothing fancy, just simple and delicious ingredients made for a great meal together.  


Afterward we headed to Manchester by the Sea which is where we had our rehearsal dinner! (Are you getting the theme here?) Of course we had to make at stop at Captian Dusty's, a local ice cream stand, before meandering through the park near the water. I was too busy stuffing ice cream in my mouth and enjoying the time with the hubs to take too many pictures, but I did sneak in a picture of the sunset, a beautiful end to our day. Nothing is more New England or North Shore than this. If you're ever in the North Shore area, then a trip to Cape Ann and Manchester are a must. My soul comes alive here, I can't imagine anywhere more perfect (unless we're talking Hawaii or Paris;))!! Enjoy!!