Little Baby Parker’s Nursery Tour


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A Farm Themed Nursery

Blame it on Pottery Barn, but as soon as I saw this toy I knew exactly what I wanted to do for our little guy’s room! I’ll admit when we first found out that we were having a boy I was a little sad. Ok, a lot of sad. BUT thankfully my heart has been changed and I simply cannot wait to be a Mom to a little boy!! Part of my disappointment came when I realized that the next 20 years or MORE of my life will be filled with the color blue. And I unfortunately REALLY DON’T LIKE BLUE!! (Does it come as any surprise to you that I love the color pink? Probably not as my business is entirely branded around that color!) So thinking about all the blue in my life, we’ll it got my all depressed.

That is until I saw the new line at Pottery Barn. A whole line of linens and developmental toys based on primary colors!! Happy, bright, primary colors!! I knew RIGHT away that was exactly what I wanted for his room!! I mean it just made me happy every time I walked into Pottery Barn and I knew that the same effect would happen every time I walked into his room. (And it has!) I simply love the bright pops of red, yellow, green, orange (and yes, a little blue)!

It also makes me sentimental to think about our little baby being surrounded by farm animals and tractors. Dave’s family owns an apple orchid/farm and Dave grew up playing and working there. It’s a big part of his childhood and I’m excited to share that with our little guy!

So, yes the nursery is farm themed, my mom referred to is at gingham farm and it’s kind of stuck!! She even planned an entire shower around that theme, complete with a barn yard cake!! I was even able to incorporate some of the decorations into his room!

Ok, without further delay here is Little Baby Parker’s nursery!! I hope you love it as much as I do!!

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 |  617-388-6593

Boston & New England WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHer
Destination Events on the EAST COAST, WORLDWIDe
