Isla’s Eighth Month


So you know how I said last month that the months have seemed to blur together, well month eighth definitely stood out on it’s own!! Isla seemingly grew up over night and now is like a whole new baby!! This month has been by far my favorite and I just absolutely LOVE the little personality she reveals more and more to use each day. For some reason I have felt very sentimental this month, perhaps it’s because we are quickly nearly her first birthday. I am just reminded again and again the gift that she has been to our family. We dreamed of having another baby and to see that dream wiggling around on my living room floor fills my heart in ways I can’t fully describe. Ok, enjoy of the mushy stuff – let’s get on to all the amazing things Isla has done this month!!

  • Probably the MOST exciting adventure this month was our trip to Hawaii!! Isla flew on her first flight (a six hour flight to California!!) and then onto Honolulu!! She was an absolute CHAMP and I couldn’t have been more grateful for how well she flew and traveled for us while we were away.

  • Isla dipped her toes for the first time in the Pacific ocean!! She’s still not a huge fan of being wet or cold so water might not be her thing, but Daddy made sure she touched Pacific waters at least once and gave her a dry ride around the lazy river at our hotel.

  • She’s definitely learning how to wave and it SO DANG CUTE!!

  • She’s still trying to master crawling and is JUST about there!! So far it consists of lots of rolling around but she’s beginning to push off on her toes.

  • She’s been incredibly vocal this month saying words like Mama and Isla which she LOVED repeating to delightful glees while were on vacation.

  • She is just the happiest, giggliest baby EVER and her smile makes my heart soar.

  • She started holding her own bottle this month, drank out of a straw in Hawaii and can hold her own food pouch!!

  • She’s definitely gone through a growth spurt this month. She looks and feels bigger (longer, more filled out). She has the cutest little leg rolls and the sweets cheeks. For all the strain we had with her at the beginning of the year with weight, this is been an answer to prayer for sure!!

  • The jury is still out on whether or not she has red hair!! I looks totally different in different light (from brown to blonde to red). Fingers crossed for some beautiful curly red hair to go with those beautiful blue eyes!!

  • Speaking of blue eyes, they are here to stay!! Isla’s eyes are still my favorite feature and I hope some day she knows how lucky she is to have them in a beautiful shade of blue!!!

See more of Isla’s First Year : Month OneMonth TwoMonth ThreeMonth FourMonth FiveMonth Six, Month Seven.
