Isla’s Sixth Month


To be honest at this point it kind of feels like the months are all melding together. Five, six, seven – it’s been hard to keep them all on track and remember the milestones Isla has been reaching at each point!! She does so many new things all the time that it’s just an all around exciting time.  I have to say that month six has been a fave of mine. It has been SO.MUCH.FUN. Her cuteness is over the top and her personality is really starting to show through. She’s observant and has started to LOVE watching other people, learning what they are doing. In short, being around Isla right now is a pure joy!! Here are a few highlights of her sixth month : 

  • Isla has started sleeping consistently through the night… 7pm-6:30am!!!! It has been a game changer for us and our family.

  • In related sleeping news, Isla has started napping!! Literally over night she decide napping was a good idea and will give me 1-2 great naps a day. Going from absolutely NO napping to at least a nap a day has been HUGE for me and for her!!

  • She LOOOOOVES food, LOVES IT!! Sweet potatoes, bananas, avocados, mangos, pears, kale, cucumbers, carrots, apples and more. She get’s real grumpy too if we don’t feed her fast enough. Such a difference between her and her brother!!

  • Also over night, Isla started having extreme stranger danger. Mama and Daddy are it. She’s gotten a LOT better as the weeks have gone on, but it’s been hard as she’s even uncomfortable with her grandparents. We take things slow and steady with introducing her to new things and that seems to help a lot 🙂

  • Isla can sit up but hasn’t mastered this skill yet. We’re working on it!!


  • We FINALLY cleared the weight hurdle with Isla — she’s still not huge but the doctors are no longer concerned with her weight gain. Hallelujah!!

  • She WANTS to crawl but hasn’t gotten there yet. However if she wiggles enough she can get herself from point a to point b, even if it’s not exactly where she wants to go 😉

  • She is just so dang cute — I love her beautiful eyes, her beautiful hair, her cute little chub, and of course those cheeks, still going strong!!

See more of Isla’s First Year : Month OneMonth TwoMonth ThreeMonth Four, Month Five
