11 Months Old
You guys, it’s almost here! Jonathan’s First Birthday is right around the corner. I’m having all sorts of Mommy emotions lately and I’m often struck with just how fast this year has gone! I simply cannot believe that his first birthday is THIS MONTH. Yes this post is a few days late… Just last night I was talking with Dave about how it seems like it was yesterday that we were cuddling with our new baby boy, watching endless hours of tv during the day and wondering how we’d survive at night. Those first two weeks were hard and amazing and challenging and wonderful all at the same time. And here we are a year later.
This month has brought a lot of change, once again, to our darling boy. He is speaking more and more, picking up food and actually getting it into his mouth, and learning how to not hold on when standing up. I see more and more evidence of a toddler, fast disappearing is that little baby boy face. And though I’m all nostalgic about Jonathan nothing being my “baby boy” anymore, I have to say that I completely adore this stage of life. He is so full of life, a bouncy and loud little dude. Gah, he’s just the bees knees.
Pretty soon this blog series will be over and I’ll probably have to mourn just a little. I’m SO grateful to have taken the time to capture these pictures of Jonathan. Award winning images? No, but they are SO incredibly important to me. I have a visual record of my son in his first year that I will treasure for the rest of my life. (And hopefully, one day, embarrass him with;))!
So go ahead, try and resist those chubby little cheeks, you simply cannot;):). Happy (ALMOST) Birthday little dude!!
(*Many thanks to Melissa, Jonathan’s babysitter, for helping wrangle him for the photos;)!)
The truth behind these pictures……is that Jonathan really wasn’t into the whole model thing……until……we gave him a toy;):)!!