Seven Months Old
Seven months old? I have a seven month old?!! How did this happen? Well, ok I know how it happened, but I simply cannot believe that I have a seven month old. There have been times this past month where I have stopped and paused, looking at Jonathan and wondering how he is MINE. I mean I know I was pregnant for nine months, I was there when he was born;), but all of that seems like it happened to someone else. Was it really me? But as I’m thinking away, I’m snapped back to reality as this chubby, lovable, wonderful, baby boy of mine squeals and giggles reminding me that this really is MY beautiful life.
This month has been HUGE for Jonathan. He learned to crawl, cut his first tooth, started on his second, and now sleeps in his crib in his own room (boy that was a BIG hurdle for me to get over)! It’s been an active month and has left me a little tired. It’s been amazing to watch him grow and change in what seems to be the most rapid pace yet!
As I was taking this picture, J felt it was more fun to rock back and forth and this ended up being the only image where I got all of his limbs in the frame with his face looking at me. You even get a hint at those amazing baby rolls on his thighs, sigh, they’re the best!!
There’s only five more months left in this First Year and I’m hoping to cherish them DEARLY as they quickly pass us by!!