Jonathan’s First Year, Month 5



Month Five

So I wrote out a whole post about how amazing Jonathan is, how he’s changed out life, how I can’t imagine life without him…and then I never hit save.

But I know I sound like a broken record these days so I’ll save the ooing and aahing over my baby and just share with you these adorable pictures. Jonathan is five months old, and I simply do not know where the time has gone. I cannot wrap my head around the fact that I have a five month old. Didn’t I just give birth…heck didn’t we just get pregnant?! Time, time has been one of the biggest things I’ve learned with having a child. Time moves at rapid pace and it suddenly becomes this commodity I can’t get enough of. Time is precious and we are trying to make the most of every moment with our son.

This month Jonathan was just the best. Everyone says that the middle months 5-7, are just the best, and well I’m going to have to agree. He is just SO FUN right now!! He flirts with everyone, coos, babbles, blows bubbles, sucks on my face, plays with his feet, rolls over, tries to crawl, sits up, and just about does everything as cutely as possible. He loves to be around people, loves to explore and it makes life so fun to experience through Jonathan’s eyes.







Like I said, he’s just one big baby ball of fun!Bwahahahaha, my favorite outtake.Of course I had to include this one. This is my view of Jonathan most days, on his tummy and on the (or at least trying) move…oh boy.



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