Little Baby Parker Is A….


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Baby Parker’s Gender Reveal!!

It’s TIIMMEEE!!! I can’t believe we’re at the stage in our pregnancy where we can actually find out the gender of our little baby!! How did that happen?! Officially I am 19 weeks preggo, one week shy of HALF WAY DONE!!! For anyone that says pregnancy can drag on, well, my experience has been the exact opposite!! I just want it to slow down! 

The day before Thanksgiving we anxiously drove into Boston for our fetal development ultrasound. We saw the baby’s brain, heart, legs, stomach, bladder, arms, feet, hands, face, and kidneys! From just a wow that’s cool perspective, it was just simply amazing! The anatomy of a little one growing inside of me! From a parent to be perspective it was a sigh of relief to know that the baby is developing perfectly!  

You might have guessed that at this appointment while looking at the entire anatomy of the baby the doctor can determine if it’s a boy or a girl. Since Dave and I wanted to be surprised along with our family we had the doctor right down the gender on a slip of paper. I also called our favorite bakery, Cakes For Occasions, (we had this all set up!) and handed the phone to the doctor. Dave and I then proceeded to look like complete fools as we put our hands to our ears and hummed quite loudly so as not to hear! 

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Flash forward to the next day, Thanksgiving. Surrounded by our immediate family we cut into the cake. And, yes, I was blown away. Surprised. And yes, I realize that the cake could be only one of two things. But no matter what, it still is a shockingly sweet surprise!! Ok are you ready to find out?!!Of course we had to take a few obligatory pictures first for my mom… such as the belly shot!This is Dave telling my mom, “Debbie is about to go all crazy, are you getting this?!”I was soooo nervous I was shaking!! I kept my eyes closed the entire time…My eyes are still closed… but Dave’s are WIDE OPEN.OMG — BLUE IS FOR BOY!!!!!!!Wait, really a BOOYY??!!!Looking up at my parents… still in complete shock!!The look that says “Holy explicative….is this cake for real? Are we really having a boy?”Hugs to comfort his freaked out wifey.And then the tears started…Hormonal tears that would not stop for two days…So remember how we told the doctor to write the gender down on a piece of paper too? Well just to be REALLY sure I asked Dave to double check the slip…just in case the bakery was wrong and it really was supposed to be a GIRL!Nope, bakery was right. 

So in complete honesty… I reeealllyy REAAALLLY wanted a little girl. I had always dreamed of a little pigtailed redheaded girl. I only know girls, I’m an only child, I know nothing, NOTHING about boys, expect that they like to fart and are smelly. Those tears you see? Well they were of shock and a little sadness that our cake was a teal shade of blue instead of a rosy shade of pink. 

But despite my best laid out plans for a perfect little family, CLEARLY God had other things in store. And after a few days of crying and moping, God worked in my heart. I mean how could I not be excited about this little person growing inside of me? A little baby that will grow into a man. These are the times I am most thankful to have married such a WONDERFUL man who will be an amazing example to our son.  

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So for all those Mom’s of sons out there I could use a little advice! Some these are the reasons why boys are the best encouragement! I have SO MUCH TO LEARN!A little added bonus: My Dad took some video while we cut the cake… please don’t judge my loud and crazy family! We were all a little shocked and excited!! 



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 |  617-388-6593

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