

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words. And it’s true. It’s why I became a photographer. Something about having the ability to stop time. To freeze a moment in life forever. Never was this more important to me than this last week.

My Gram passed away two weeks ago. My beloved Grammie who babysat for me, attended every concert, dance recital, Girl Scout ceremony, and special occasion in my life. She was such a huge and important part of my life and it was incredibly hard to let her go.

But as we were searching through her home, the home she lived in for 72 years, my mom and I stumbled upon several old albums I had never seen before. Photographs upon photographers filled the pages with my Gram’s unique hand writing describing each image. I was blown away. I suddenly saw pictures I had never seen before, of a life my Grandmother lived LONG before I ever came around. I got a glimpse into her life, and I cherish those images we discovered.

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deborah zoe photography deborah zoe photo deborah zoe blog deborah z parker personal.jpg

deborah zoe photography deborah zoe photo deborah zoe blog deborah z parker personal2.jpg

deborah zoe photography deborah zoe photo deborah zoe blog deborah z parker personal2.jpg



Pictures and memories are all I have left of Grammy. They are so incredibly important to me and I will hold them dear for the rest of my life. It reminded me of why I do what I do. I don’t just make pretty pictures, but I freeze moments in time. Moments that my couples can hold on to forever. I hope they are able to cherish them as much as I cherish those photographs of my Gram. I was shocked to find these two wonderful images of my incredibly modest Gram! I never got to meet my Grandfather so I simply adore this picture of the two of them embracing after the War.Grammy and I had a special relationship built on love, laughter and the occasional tease;).The last picture I’ll ever have with Gram. I’m so glad I pestered her to take this picture. It’s true, a picture is worth a thousand words.



instagram | @deborahzoe
 |  617-388-6593

Boston & New England WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHer
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